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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме Florence + The Machine от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про Florence + The Machine сформированный на этой странице.
A thousand miles down to the sea bed , I found the place to rest my head .Теги: Florence + The Machine // Never Let Me Go // ироничные цитаты //
You can't choose what stays and what fades away And I'd do anything to make you stay.Теги: Florence + The Machine // No Light, No Light // выбор //
You are the silence in between what I thought and what I said.Теги: Florence + The Machine // No Light, No Light // слова // мысли // молчание //
No more dreaming like a girl So in love with the wrong world .Теги: Florence + The Machine // Blinding //
If you could only see The beast you've made of me, I held it in, but now it seems You've it in running free, The saints can't help me now The ropes have been unbound...Теги: Florence + The Machine // Howl // любовь // ярость //
St. Jude, maybe I've always been more comfortable in chaos .Теги: Florence + The Machine // St Jude //
Holy water cannot help you now, A thousand armies couldn't keep me out. I don't want your money , I don't want your crown . See I've come to burn Your kingdom down.Теги: Florence + The Machine // Seven Devils //
Hold on to your heart , cause I'm coming to take it. Hold on to you heart , cause I'm coming to break it.Теги: Florence + The Machine // Hardest Of Hearts // сердце //
I am done with my graceless heart So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart.Теги: Florence + The Machine // Shake It Out // сердце //
It's always darkest before the dawn .Теги: Florence + The Machine // Shake It Out // время // свет // рассвет //
I knew that somehow I could find my way back, Then I heard you heart beating, You were in the darkness too, So I stayed in the darkness with you.Теги: Florence + The Machine // Cosmic Love // любовь // темнота, тьма //
And the heart is hard to translate, It has a language of it's own, It talks and tongues in quiet sighs, In prayers and proclamations, In the grand days of great men And the smallest of gestures, In short shallow gasps. But with all my education , I can't seem to commend it.Теги: Florence + The Machine // All This And Heaven Too // любовь // сердце //
Say my name , And every color illuminates, We are shining, And we will never be afraid again.Теги: Florence + The Machine // Spectrum // любовь // страсть //
My love has concrete feet, My love's an iron ball, Wrapped around your ankles Over the waterfallТеги: Florence + The Machine // Heavy In Your Arms // любовь // ноги //
I hope that you see me, Cause I'm staring at you But when you look over, You look right through, Then you lean and kiss her on the head , And I never felt so alive, and so... dead.Теги: Florence + The Machine // Hurricane Drink // смерть // жизнь // чувства //
Though, the pressure's hard to take, It's the only way I can escape .Теги: Florence + The Machine // Never Let Me Go // давление // спасение //
Regrets collect like old friends Here to relive your darkest moments.Теги: Florence + The Machine // Shake It Out // горе // прошлое // сожаление //
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