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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме A Broken Silence от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про A Broken Silence сформированный на этой странице.
Got pride in my birthplace but shame also resides Many roads here paved with betrayal and genocide . Dad made his way here, he was craving a better life Didn't want another air raid waking him in the night But things changed right, it's all a little stricter. Policies mixed with the riddles of a mini Hitler.Теги: A Broken Silence // This Nation // страна // гордость // стыд //
With open hearts I see people building A bridge to the world to feed some children . New light lead some millions: Fight evil , be resilient! Role models saying “Grip that gun!” We're marching to a different drum.Теги: A Broken Silence // Hope // позитивные цитаты // зло // будущее //
Real heroes are hard to come by, lived in darkness but strived for Sunshine.Теги: A Broken Silence // Real Heroes // герои // свет // темнота, тьма //
Touched to many coffins, seen too many lost ones, many like porcelain, Cracked in an instant. Poor to rich kids.Теги: A Broken Silence // Walls Collide // грустные цитаты // смерть // гроб //
We in that lucky country where your brains your main opponent .Теги: A Broken Silence // This Nation // ироничные цитаты // разум // страна //
Sometimes we might joke sometimes we might cry, Just making the most of living our lives. Sometimes we get low sometimes we get high, The only antidote, keep living our lives.Теги: A Broken Silence // Keep Living Our Life // мотивирующие цитаты // жизнь // трудности //
They killing over colors in L. A. In El Salvador, it's numbers essay For the E. T. A bombs are the best way Independence is a monstrous death game They killing in Iraq for black gold In Nigeria they killed stacks for black gold They killing in Chad for black gold But do the U. N. ever react to that No, innocents killed in London subway Mexicans kill trying to run the drug trade Mumbai killings was random gun spray Tell me your kids don't love the blood games.Теги: A Broken Silence // Keep Living Our Life // терроризм // бездействие, пассивность // преступники и преступность //
Like they sing in Liverpool you'll never walk alone. Any girl, any fellow from a broken home, Anyone neglected in a warring zone Lost their abode and was forced to roam. Still they spoke in the warmest tones, Kept hope as a cornerstone.Теги: A Broken Silence // Hope // позитивные цитаты // надежда // одиночество //
Hurting with fatigue , coercing you to flee, But every adversity makes that person you be... You shape the world with the path you lead, I see a star as an image that is far from me, And every obstacle their benefits are hard to see, But later find they're the parts you need.Теги: A Broken Silence // Rat Race // мотивирующие цитаты // препятствия // несчастье //
Pay the toll gate mate you've arrived in the West , Where affluence meets with survival at best.Теги: A Broken Silence // Everyday // грустные цитаты // Запад // изобилие //
Obama has that peace prize (so believe what you like). Middle East cries, feasting.Теги: A Broken Silence // What are We Waiting for // геноцид // США //
You fight for the sake of it, or ninety nine percent Just trying to make a shake of it And yo you must be mistaking if you Can't see your stake in it is greater than the vast majority And you can stand there growling at authority Cause we still got a democracy , and what that means Is you can say what you feel And they can't put you under lock and key So many disappeared, so many lived in fear But you know that here man, your brains the opponent So many blown opportunities in the land of plenty So many cats that let there souls run on empty it gets tempting To let it all slide, make fate the fall guy And join the could have been's.Теги: A Broken Silence // This Nation // демократия // протест // общество потребления //
They killing in Somalia's blue waters, They killed in Bosnia for new borders, They kill you for dishonor in Jordan - A family name has got such importance . They killing in Columbia for coke. Main killer in Down Under be the smokes. Collapse's killing thousands of miners in China . Same headline 'No survivors'. They killing journalists in the Russian lands. They kill in Port Au Prince for fucking spam. There's killers for god in Jerusalem. Synagogue, church and mosque be producing them.Теги: A Broken Silence // Keep Living Our Life // грустные цитаты // убийство // смерть //
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