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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds сформированный на этой странице.
Mass extinction, darling, hypocrisy ... These things are not good for me. Do you see what I see, dear?Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Abattoir blues // лицемерие //
You ain't got no money ? He'll get you some. You ain't got no car? He'll get you one. You ain't got no self-respect, you feel like an insect Well don't you worry buddy, cause here he comes Through the ghettos and the barrio and the bowery and the slum A shadow is cast wherever he stands Stacks of green paper in his red right hand.Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Red Right Hand //
Walk with me now under the stars , It's a safe and easy pleasure . It seems we can be happy now, It's late but it ain't never !Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Sweetheart come //
He'll wrap you in his arms, tell you that you've been a good boy, He'll rekindle all the dreams it took you a lifetime to destroy, He'll reach deep into the hole, heal your shrinking soul ... Hey buddy, you know you're never coming back, - He's a god , he's a man, he's a ghost, he's a guru. They're whispering his name through this disappearing land , But hidden in his coat is a red right hand.Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Red Right Hand //
But what do we really know of the dead? And who actually cares? I don't know what it is, But there's definitely something going on upstairs!Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! // мертвые, трупы //
You'll see him in your nightmares , you'll see him in your dreams. He'll appear out of nowhere but he ain't what he seems. You'll see him in your head , on the TV screen - And hey buddy, I'm warning you to turn it off. He's a ghost, he's a god , he's a man, he's a guru, You're one microscopic cog In his catastrophic plan, Designed and directed by His Red Right Hand.Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Red Right Hand //
Take a little walk to the edge of town Go across the tracks, Where the viaduct looms, like a bird of doom , As it shifts and cracks. Where secrets lie in the border fires, In the humming wires. Hey, man, you know you're never coming back, Past the square, past the bridge, past the mills, past the stacks, On a gathering storm comes a tall handsome man In a dusty black coat with a red right hand.Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Red Right Hand //
I don't claim to understand The troubles that you've had. But the dogs you say they fed you to Lay their muzzles in your lap And the lions that they led you to Lie down and take a nap. The ones you fear are wind and air , And I love you without measure . It seems we can be happy now, Be it better late than never .Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Sweetheart come //
Hey, little train, Wait for me! I once was blind, but now I see.Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // O Children //
Today's the time for courage , babe. Tomorrow can be for forgiving.Теги: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Sweetheart come // смелость, храбрость // прощение // завтра //
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