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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме Fall Out Boy от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про Fall Out Boy сформированный на этой странице.
The darkness that you felt I never meant for you to fix yourself.Теги: Fall Out Boy // Centuries // темнота, тьма //
Heavy metal broke my heart .Теги: Fall Out Boy // Centuries //
I'm gonna make it bend and break Say a prayer but let the good times roll In case god doesn't showТеги: Fall Out Boy // Thanks For the Memories // Бог // воля //
I never know, What I've got will make you feel more alive?Теги: Fall Out Boy // Death Valley //
Why don't you show me the little bit of spine You've been saving for his mattress (mattress, mattress) I only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with meТеги: Fall Out Boy // Dance Dance //
You are what you love , Not who loves you.Теги: Fall Out Boy // Save Rock and Roll // любовь // ты //
I'll try to picture me without you but I can't.Теги: Fall Out Boy // Immortals // попытка //
I don't care what you think As long as it's about meТеги: Fall Out Boy // I Don't Care // безразличие, равнодушие //
You're about to bloom You look so pretty, but you're gone so soon...Теги: Fall Out Boy // Centuries // исчезновение // прекрасное //
And I love the way you hurt me.Теги: Fall Out Boy // Irresistible // боль //
And I can't stop until the whole word knows my name Cause I was only born inside my dreams.Теги: Fall Out Boy // Centuries // известность // рождение // мечта //
Sometimes the only payoff for having any faith Is when it's tested again and again everyday I'm still comparing your past to my future It might be your wound, but they're my sutures.Теги: Fall Out Boy // Immortals // вера // испытания // сравнение //
The best of us can find happiness in misery .Теги: Fall Out Boy // I Don't Care // счастье // страдания //
Last year's wishes Are this year's apologiesТеги: Fall Out Boy // I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off // желания // раскаяние //
How cruel is the golden rule, When the lives we lived are only golden plated. And I knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me, Though I carried karats for everyone to see.Теги: Fall Out Boy // Golden //
The truth hurts worse than anything I could bring myself to do to youТеги: Fall Out Boy // I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears And None On My Fingers // правда //
If I could start with words Cause it's the only hope of feasting I got left And everything I love about you is a mess Smash the mirror and break the palm in his hand (I) want to be better than I amТеги: Fall Out Boy // One And Only // любовь //
We're the new face of failure Prettier and younger but not any better off Bullet proof loneliness At best, at bestТеги: Fall Out Boy // I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off //
They say never means never Solar Flare stares won't lastТеги: Fall Out Boy // Alpha Dog //
These friends, they don't love you They just love the hotel suites, nowТеги: Fall Out Boy // I Don't Care //
They say we are what we are, But we don't have to be. I'm glad to hate you but I do it in the best way . I'll be the watcher of the eternal flame , I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams.Теги: Fall Out Boy // Immortals //
Some legends are told, Some turn to dust or to gold But you will remember me. Remember me, for cehturies.Теги: Fall Out Boy // Centuries // легенды // прах //
Anything you say can and will be held against you So only say my name ...Теги: Fall Out Boy // Just One Yesterday //
Seasons change but people don't.Теги: Fall Out Boy // The Take Over, The Breaks Over //
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