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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме Bryan Adams от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про Bryan Adams сформированный на этой странице.
When the feelin' is ended, There ain't no use pretendin'Теги: Tina Turner // Bryan Adams // It's Only Love // чувства //
As the seasons change — remember how I used to be? Now I can't go on — I can't even start, I've got nothing left — just an empty heart ... I'm a soldier — wounded so I must give up the fight , There's nothing more for me — lead me away...Теги: Bryan Adams // Sound the Bugle // сердце // солдаты // раны //
We are like birds of a feather, We are two hearts joined together ... We will be forever as one My brother under the sun ...Теги: Bryan Adams // Brothers under the Sun // братья //
Follow your heart — little child of the west wind , Follow the voice — that 's calling you home. Follow your dreams — but always, remember me, I am your brother — under the sun ...Теги: Bryan Adams // Brothers under the Sun // братья // мечта // голос //
Then from on high, somewhere in the distance , there is A voice that calls remember who you are, If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow, So be strong tonight! Remember who you are! Yeah, you are a soldier now, fighting in a battle , to be free once more, Yeah, that's what fighting for...Теги: Bryan Adams // Sound the Bugle // голос // смелость, храбрость // свобода //
Now you're the one I'm looking for, You're the one I need, You're the one that gives me — a reason to believe. Following a star — has lead to where you are, It feels so strong now — this can't be wrong now.Теги: Bryan Adams // Nothing I've Ever Known //
Let's make it all for one and all for love . Let the one you hold be the one you want, The one you need, 'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all. When there's someone that should know Then just let your feelings show And make it all for one and all for love .Теги: Bryan Adams // Sting // Rod Stewart // All for love // чувства //
This is it! Oh, I finally found someone Someone to share my life I finally found the one to be with every night , Cause whatever I do It's just got to be you! My life has just begun, I finally found someone...Теги: Bryan Adams // I Finally Found Someone (feat. Barbara Streisand) // любовь //
Under the starry skies — where eagles have flown, This place is paradise — it's the place I call home. The moon on the mountains , The whisper through the trees , The waves on the water ... Let nothing come between this and me.Теги: Bryan Adams // This Is Where I Belong //
When it's love you make, (I'll be the fire in your night .) Then it's love you take.Теги: Bryan Adams // Sting // Rod Stewart // All for love // любовь //
Oceans apart, day after day , And I slowly go insane. I hear your voice , on the line, But it doesn't stop the pain: If I see you next to never , how can we say forever?Теги: Bryan Adams // I Will Be Right Here Waiting for You //
If you can't catch a wave, Then your'e never gonna ride.Теги: Bryan Adams // You Can't Take Me //
Don't judge a thing, Until you know what's inside it.Теги: Bryan Adams // You Can't Take Me //
When you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one she needs somebody to tell her that it's gonna last forever So tell me have you ever really — really really ever loved a woman?Теги: Bryan Adams // Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? // любовь // слова //
Now I know it's true - My every road leads to you. And in the hour of darkness , darlin', Your light gets me through.Теги: Bryan Adams // I Will Always Return //
It's a new world — it's a new start It's alive with the beating of young hearts.Теги: Bryan Adams // Here I Am // мир, мироздание // начало // сердце //
Please forgive me, I can't stop lovin' youТеги: Bryan Adams // Please Forgive Me // любовь // прощение //
Wherever you hear — the wind in the canyon, Wherever you see — the buffalo run , Wherever you go — I 'll be there beside you, Cuz you are my brother — my brother under the sun ...Теги: Bryan Adams // Brothers under the Sun // братья // ветер // Солнце //
I still feel your breath on my skin, I hear your voice deep within. The sound of my lover — a feeling so strong. It's to you — I'll always belong.Теги: Bryan Adams // I Will Always Return //
Sound the bugle now, play it just for me, As the seasons changed, remember how I used to be, Now I cant go on, I cant even start, I got nothing left, just an empty heart .Теги: Bryan Adams // Sound the Bugle //
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