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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме The Smashing Pumpkins от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про The Smashing Pumpkins сформированный на этой странице.
I never let on, that i was on a sinking ship . I never let on, that i was down.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Zero // замкнутость // цитаты о себе //
And in your sad machines, You'll forever stay Desperate and displeased-with, whoever you are.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Here Is No Why // ты //
Now i'm naked, nothing but an animal. But can you fake it, for just one more show . And what do you want, i want to change. And what have you got, when you feel the same.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Bullet With Butterfly Wings // цитаты о себе // инстинкты //
Welcome to nowhere fast. Nothing here ever lasts. Nothing but memories , Of what never was.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Jellybelly // жизнь // пустота // небытие //
The useless drags, the empty days. The lonely towers of long mistakes To forgotten faces and faded loves. Sitting still was never enough. And if you're giving in, then you're giving up. Cause in your sad machines You'll forever stay: Burning up in speed . Lost inside the dreams, of teen machines.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Here Is No Why // выживание // одиночество // безысходность //
Despite all my rage, i am still, just a rat in a cage . Then someone will say — what is lost, can never be saved. Despite all my rage, i am still, just a rat in a cage .Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Bullet With Butterfly Wings // ярость // цитаты о себе //
Intoxicated with the madness , I'm in love with my sadness . Bulls*** fakers, Enchanted kingdoms, The fashion victims chew their charcoal teeth.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Zero // печаль // мизантропия //
The useless drag of another day . The endless drags of a death rock boy. Mascara sure and lipstick lost. Glitter burned by restless, Thoughts of, being forgotten.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Here Is No Why // изменения, перемены // безысходность //
My reflection , dirty mirror , There's no connection to myself. I'm your lover, i'm your zero. I'm the face in your dreams of glass. So save your prayers For, when you're really gonna need 'em.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Zero // любовь // самообман //
Tell me, i'm the only one. Tell me, there's no other one. Jesus was an only son . Tell me, i'm the chosen one. Jesus was an only son for you.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Bullet With Butterfly Wings // христиaнствo //
You can't bring me back, Cause i gave it all back to you.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // An Ode To No One //
The world is a vampire, sent to drain. Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames. And what do i get, for my pain ? Betrayed desires , and a piece of the game .Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Bullet With Butterfly Wings // жизнь // боль //
Send a heartbeat to the void that cries through you Relive the pictures that have come to pass For now we stand alone.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning // пустота //
And i give it all back to you, for you. No way , i don't need it, I don't need your love , to disconnect. And you make it, so real, I don't need your love , to disconnect.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // An Ode To No One // бескорыстие // безответная любовь //
I sensed my loss , Before i even learned to talk . And i remember my birthdays - Empty party afternoons, won't come back.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // To Forgive // грустные цитаты // цитаты о себе //
There's nothing left to do. There's nothing left to feel. Doesn't matter what you want, so... To make yourself feel better - You make it, so you'll never Give in to your forevers, And live for always...Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Jellybelly // жизнь //
I forget to forget me. I forget to forget, you see? Nothing is important to me.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // To Forgive // грустные цитаты // самобичевание //
Living makes me sick, So sick, i wish i'd die. Down in the belly of the beast - I can't lie .Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Jellybelly // грустные цитаты // жизнь // цитаты о себе //
Holding back the fool again, Holding back the fool pretends. I forget to forget, nothing is important. Holding back the fool again.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // To Forgive // грустные цитаты // сдержанность //
Ten times removed, I forget about, where it all began. Bastard son of, a bastard son of, A wild eyed child of the sun . And right as rain , i'm not the same. But i feel the same, i feel nothing .Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // To Forgive // грустные цитаты // изменения, перемены // пустота //
And i still believe, that i cannot be saved.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Bullet With Butterfly Wings // безысходность //
Emptiness is loneliness , And loneliness is cleanliness, And cleanliness is godliness, And god is empty just like me.Теги: The Smashing Pumpkins // Zero // одиночество //
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