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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме The Rolling Stones от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про The Rolling Stones сформированный на этой странице.
I see a line of cars and they're all painted black. With flowers and my love both never to come back. I see people turn their heads and quickly look away - Like a new born baby it just happens every day .Теги: The Rolling Stones // Paint It Black // грустные цитаты //
look inside myself and see my heart is black, I see my red door and it has been painted black. Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts . It's not easy facin' up when your whole world is black.Теги: The Rolling Stones // Paint It Black // грустные цитаты // цитаты о себе //
Yesterday don't matter if it's goneТеги: The Rolling Stones // Ruby Tuesday // вчера //
You can turn off and on more times, than a flashin' neon sign. When you want you're bad , but you can be so kind.Теги: The Rolling Stones // Take It Or Leave It // ты //
Why do we live in this strange grey town? They build it up and let it all fall down. Feel like we're living in a battleground, Everybody's jazzed.Теги: The Rolling Stones // Rain Fall Down //
I walk the streets of love And they`re full of tears .Теги: The Rolling Stones // Streets Of Love // грустные цитаты // любовь // слезы //
I've been travelling but I don't know where, I've been missing you but you just don't care , And I've been wandering, I've seen Greece and Rome , Lost in the wilderness, so far from home. I've been to Africa, looking for my soul And I feel like an actor looking for a roleТеги: The Rolling Stones // Laugh I Nearly Died // грустные цитаты // цитаты о себе //
All your love , baby, don't put around. Love is one thing, baby, You won't find on the ground.Теги: The Rolling Stones // All of Your Love // любовь //
Living in a fantasy but it's way too far, But this kind of loneliness is way too hard. I've been wandering, feeling all alone, I lost my direction and I lost my home...Теги: The Rolling Stones // Laugh I Nearly Died // грустные цитаты //
You can't always get what you want, But if you try sometimes you might find You'll get what you need.Теги: The Rolling Stones // You Can't Always Get What You Want // желания //
Oh, Angie, don't you weep, all your kisses still taste sweet I hate that sadness in your eyes But Angie, Angie, ain't it time we said good-bye? With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats You can't say we're satisfiedТеги: The Rolling Stones // Angie // любовь // расставание //
Tho' you're older now its just the same: You can play this dandelion game . When you're finished with your childlike prayers - Well, you know you should wear it...Теги: The Rolling Stones // Dandelion //
Time waits for no one.Теги: The Rolling Stones // Time waits for no one // время //
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