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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме The Offspring от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про The Offspring сформированный на этой странице.
Show me how to lie You’re getting better all the time And turning all against the one Is an art that’s hard to teachТеги: The Offspring // You're Gonna Go Far, Kid // ложь, обман //
Knock down the walls - It's alive in you, Knock down the place - You're alone it's true Knock down the world - It's alive in you, You gotta keep your head up through it all, you're gonna... Bust out on it (original prankster) Break out, yeah (original, yeah) Bust out on it (original prankster) You never stop now, stop now - That's what the main men say! You can do it!Теги: The Offspring // Original Prankster // ироничные цитаты // сила воли // хулиганство //
When I run I didn't feel like a runaway When I escaped I didn't feel like I got away There's more to living than only surviving Maybe I'm not there, but I'm still trying...Теги: The Offspring // Staring At the Sun // жизнь // выживание //
Ahhhhh, it's time to relax, and you know what that means, a glass of wine , your favourite easy chair, and of course this compact disc playing and your home stereo. So go on, indulge yourself, that's right, kick off your shoes , put your feet up, lean back and just enjoy the melodies. After all, music soothes even the savage beasts.Теги: The Offspring // Time To Relax // отдых // музыка //
If we don't make it alive Well it's a hell of a good day to die All our light that shines strong Only lasts for so long And it's ashes to ashes again Should we even try to pretend? All our light that shines strong Only lasts for so long All our light that shines strong Only lasts for so longТеги: The Offspring // Half-Truism // чувства //
Don’t waste your whole life trying To get back what was taken away.Теги: The Offspring // Kristy, Are You Doing Okay? // мотивирующие цитаты // жизнь // прошлое //
And it feels like Heaven's so far away. Yeah it stings now, The world is so cold , Now that you've gone away.Теги: The Offspring // Gone Away // потеря // ты //
Dime-dime - So good to see ya, Nine-nine - Don't want to be ya, Crime-crime - Fine sensimilla... Well you'll see there comes a day Catches up to you, yeah...Теги: The Offspring // Original Prankster // наркотики //
You can do it! Until the break of dawn ! Life-life сannot go by the letter Time-time, prozac can make it better Noise-noise, any kind will do, Can you feel it slip away When it's all on you? Crime-crime, rocking like Janet Reno Time-time, eighteen and life in Chino Freud, Freud, all along it's true Well you'll see there comes a day Catches up to you, yeah...Теги: The Offspring // Original Prankster // ироничные цитаты // настойчивость // наставление //
Why oh why? Are we starting up and going down? My oh my Just the two of us in Nothingtown Our superhero play We'll leave this town today And I'll row it if you steer it I'll yell until you hear it Hold on tighter With my lighter Shining throughТеги: The Offspring // Nothingtown //
You know it smells like shit , God-damn, tag team , the double header, Son of Sam: "Fire always makes it better!" Navigate with style and aplomb Cause wherever you're at That's the tip, use on! Lies-lies, says he's down in the Bahamas Tries tries bangin' little hoochie mamas No way , none of this is true Well he'll see there comes a day When the joke's on you, yeah!Теги: The Offspring // Original Prankster // ложь, обман // враги, вражда //
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