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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме Regina Spektor от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про Regina Spektor сформированный на этой странице.
No one laughs at God in a hospital No one laughs at God in a war No one's laughing at God when they're starving or freezing or so very poor...Теги: Regina Spektor // Laughing with // Бог //
This is how it works You're young until you're not You love until you don't You try until you can't You laugh until you cry You cry until you laugh And everyone must breathe Until their dying breathТеги: Regina Spektor // On The Radio //
The piano is not firewood yet But the cold does get cold So it soon might be that I'll take it apart, call up my friends And we'll warm up our hands by the fire Don't look so shocked Don't judge so harsh You don't know You are only spying Everyone knows it's going to hurt But at least we'll get hurt trying.Теги: Regina Spektor // Firewood //
First there's lights out, then there's lock up. Masterpieces serving maximum sentences It's their own fault for being timeless, There's a price to pay and a consequence. All the galleries, the museums: "Here's your ticket, welcome to the tombs" There just public mausoleums The living dead fill every room. But the most special are the most lonely, God I pity the violins. In glass coffins they keep coughing, They've forgotten, forgotten how to singТеги: Regina Spektor // All The Rowboats // art // masterpiece // музей //
The boys and girls watch each other eat When they really just wanna watch each other sleep .Теги: Regina Spektor // Dance Anthem Of The 80's //
Be afraid of the lame, They'll inherit your legs . Be afraid of the old , They'll inherit your souls. Be afraid of the cold , They'll inherit your blood . Apres moi, le deluge After me the flood...Теги: Regina Spektor // Apres moi // страх //
I must go on standing You can't break that which isn't yours I must go on standing I'm not my own, It's not my choiceТеги: Regina Spektor // Apres moi //
Rise from your cold hospital bed You're not dying Everyone knows you're going to live So you might as well start tryingТеги: Regina Spektor // Firewood // мотивирующие цитаты // жизнь //
And we're trying to be faithful, but we're Cheating, cheating, cheating.Теги: Regina Spektor // Hero // жизненные цитаты // ложь, обман // честность //
No one's laughing at God We're all laughing with God .Теги: Regina Spektor // Laughing with // Бог //
You taste like Birthday You look like New Years You’re like a big parade through town You leave such a mess but you’re so fun !Теги: Regina Spektor // The Party //
It started out as a feeling Which then grew into a hope Which then turned into a quiet thought Which then turned into a quiet word And then that word grew louder and louder 'Til it was a battle cry I'll come back When you call me No need to say goodbyeТеги: Regina Spektor // The Call // прощание // возвращение //
Today we`re younger Than we ever gonna be.Теги: Regina Spektor // Small Town Moon // время // молодость, юность // возраст //
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