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Cos what I feel is the only truth I know And I get by on this naivete of youth .Теги: Poets Of The Fall // King of Fools //
So why do we keep up this charade? And how do we tell apart the time to leave from the time to wait? What does tomorrow want from me? What does it matter what I see? If it can't be my design Tell me where do we draw the line?Теги: Poets Of The Fall // Where Do We Draw The Line //
The bigger the lies The more they want to believe them And like a vice Hold on to what they believe inТеги: Poets Of The Fall // Heal My Wounds // мотивирующие цитаты // ложь, обман // вера //
Hey angel, dare the winds Now we can flyТеги: Poets Of The Fall // Maybe Tomorrow Is A Better Day //
Remembrance, can be a sentence, But it comes to you with a second chance in tow Don't lose it, don't refuse it, Cos you cannot learn a thing You think you knowТеги: Poets Of The Fall // Dawn // воспоминания //
Come feed the rain Cos I'm thirsty for your love Dancing underneath the skies of lust Yeah feed the rain Cos without your love my life Ain't nothing but this carnival of rust It's all a game , avoiding failure , When true colors will bleed All in the name of misbehavior And the things we don't need I lust for "after" No disaster can touch Touch us anymore And more than ever, I hope to never fall , Where "enough" is not the same it was beforeТеги: Poets Of The Fall // Carnival of Rust // жизнь // любовь // дождь //
And there is no why, there is no how, it's like the sky , just one free flowТеги: Poets Of The Fall // Heal My Wounds //
Sleep , sugar, let your dreams flood in Like waves of sweet fire , you're safe within Sleep , sweetie, let your floods come rushing in And carry you over to a new morningТеги: Poets Of The Fall // Sleep, Sugar // сновидения, сон // нежность //
Why do we sacrifice the beautiful ones? How do you break a heart of gold ? Why do we sacrifice our beautiful souls? Heroes of tales unsung, untold.Теги: Poets Of The Fall // The Beautifull Ones // красота // жертва //
Maybe tomorrow is a better day...Теги: Poets Of The Fall // Maybe Tomorrow Is A Better Day // завтра //
The dance of flames and shadows in the street makes poetry nobody ever heard.Теги: Poets Of The Fall // Where Do We Draw The Line //
With silence comes peace With peace comes freedom With freedom comes silenceТеги: Poets Of The Fall // Illusion and Dream //
Move on and don't look behind.Теги: Poets Of The Fall // Sleep, Sugar //
So when I'm crying alone Yeah, when I'm cold as a dying stone Grow me a garden of roses Paint me the colors of sky and rain Teach me to speak with their voices Show me the way and I'll try againТеги: Poets Of The Fall // Roses //
When I thought that I fought this war alone, You were there by my side on the frontline. When I thought that I fought without a cause, You gave me a reason to try...Теги: Poets Of The Fall // War //
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