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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме Placebo от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про Placebo сформированный на этой странице.
I will battle for the sun And I won’t stop until I’m done. You are getting in the way , And I have nothing left to say.Теги: Placebo // Battle for the Sun //
I always watch you when you're dreaming Because I know it's not of me. I smoke a dozen cancer sticks, Imagine there are two or three ways To make you love me. And not dream of someone else, Become the movie on your eyelids...Теги: Placebo // The Movie on Your Eyelids // любовь // мечта // безразличие, равнодушие //
Time will help you through, But it doesn't have the time To give you all the answers to the never-ending why.Теги: Placebo // The Never-Ending Why // время // вопросы //
Can't believe you were once just like anyone else, Then you grew and became like the devil himself. Pray to God I can think of a kind thing to say, But I don't think I can, So fuck you anyway.Теги: Placebo // Fuck you // изменения, перемены //
I serve my head up on a plate. It's only comfort , calling late.Теги: Placebo // Every You, Every Me //
Heaven knows if you promise not to go I will pay you back in kindТеги: Placebo // In a Funk // сердце // небо //
Come on, fallen star, I refuse to let you die!Теги: Placebo // Centrefolds // грустные цитаты //
I wrote this novel just for Mom For all the mommy things she's done, For all the times she showed me wrong, For all the time she sang god's song ... And I say thank you Mom, Hello Mom, Thank you Mom, Hi Mom.Теги: Placebo // Blue American // мать //
Bet you sleep like a child with your thumb in your mouth . I could creep up beside put a gun in your mouth .Теги: Placebo // Fuck you // ненависть // лицемерие //
There are twenty years to go And many friends I hope Though some may hold the rose Some hold the ropeТеги: Placebo // Twenty Years // друзья, дружба // будущее //
Breathe, Believe. We are loud like love .Теги: Placebo // Loud Like Love // любовь // вера // надежда //
Lovers seem to run around.Теги: Placebo // The Bitter End // любовь //
When you look at yourself do you see what I see? If you do why the fuck are you looking at me?!Теги: Placebo // Fuck you //
If you promise not to go I will pay you back in kindТеги: Placebo // In a Funk //
No one cares when you’re out on the street Picking up the pieces to make ends meet No one cares when you’re down in the gutter Got no friends got no lover.Теги: Placebo // For What It's Worth // отчаяние // помощь // неудачники //
Bite the hand that feeds, Attack the vein that bleeds, Down on my bended knees.. I'd break the back of love for you!Теги: Placebo // Post Blue //
There's a time for us all and I think yours has been. Can you please hurry up?Теги: Placebo // Fuck you //
So much hate for the ones we love ?Теги: Placebo // Running Up That Hill // любовь // ненависть //
Sommes nous les jouets du destin Souviens toi des moments divins Planants, eclates au matin Et maintenant nous sommes tout seuls Perdus les reves de s'aimer Le temps ou on avait rien fait Il nous reste toute une vie pour pleurer Et maintenant nous sommes tout seulsТеги: Placebo // Protege Moi // человек, люди // одиночество //
When I'm smoking, smoking, Put my worries on a shelf Try not to think about nothing , Don't wanna see myself.Теги: Placebo // Been Smoking Too Long // наркотики // курение, сигареты //
Stupid me to believe that I could trust in stupid you, Stupid me to believe I could depend on stupid you.Теги: Placebo // Kings of Medicine // грустные цитаты // доверие // глупость //
Now my mistakes are hauting me, Like winter came and put a freeze on...Теги: Placebo // A Million Little Pieces // ошибки // преследование //
I tore the muscle from your chest And used it to stub out cigarettes. I listened to your screams of pleasure , And I watched the bed sheets turn blood red.Теги: Placebo // Ashtray Heart // любовь // боль // сердце //
And that's the end and that's the start of it. That's the whole and that's the part of it. That's the high and that's the heart of it. That's the long and that's the short of it. That's the best and that's the test in it. That's the doubt , the doubt , the trust in it. That's the sight and that's the sound of it. That's the gift and that's the trick in it.Теги: Placebo // Twenty Years //
The whole world wants my disappearanceТеги: Placebo // Haemoglobin // грустные цитаты // исчезновение // цитаты о себе //
I was alone staring over the ledge, Trying my best not to forget All manner of joy , all manner of glee And our one heroic pledge, How it mattered to us, How it mattered to me And the consequences ... I was confused by the birds and the bees Forgetting if I meant it.Теги: Placebo // Meds // одиночество //
Just one more hit to make it right But every one turns into seven.Теги: Placebo // Julien // грустные цитаты // наркомания // ошибки //
It seems it s written But we can t read between the line.Теги: Placebo // Sleeping With Ghosts //
The past will catch you up as you run fasterТеги: Placebo // I Know // прошлое //
Carve your name into my arm. Instead of stressed I lie here charmed. Cause there's nothing else to do. Every me and every you.Теги: Placebo // Every You, Every Me // любовь // имя //
You took a jump into forever, A leap of faith I could not take.Теги: Placebo // Ashtray Heart // вечность //
I'll be your water bathing you clean The liquid piece I'll be your ether you'll breathe me in You won't releaseТеги: Placebo // I'll Be Yours // красивые цитаты // любовь //
Cause a heart that hurts Is a heart that works.Теги: Placebo // Bright Lights // боль // сердце //
I do you harm because I can, For the second time today.Теги: Placebo // Bosco // грустные цитаты // боль // цитаты о себе //
There's a space left in hell with your name on the seat With a spike in the chair just to make it complete.Теги: Placebo // Fuck you // ад //
What good's religion When it's each other we despiseТеги: Placebo // Sleeping With Ghosts //
Don't let them get their way Don't let them have their way You're beautiful and so blase So please don't let them have their way Don't fall back into the decay There is no law we must obey So please don't let them have their way Don't give in to yesterday We can build a new tomorrow , todayТеги: Placebo // Speak In Tongues //
I will battle for the sun , ‘Cause I have stared down the barrel of a gun... No fun you are a cheap and nasty fake, And I am the bones you couldn’t break.Теги: Placebo // Battle for the Sun // борьба // препятствия //
Sucker love , a box I choose. No other box I choose to use.Теги: Placebo // Every You, Every Me // любовь //
A friend in need's a friend indeed, A friend with weed is better.Теги: Placebo // Pure Morning // друзья, дружба // беда //
Dry your eyes Soulmate dry your eyes Cause soulmates never dieТеги: Placebo // Sleeping With Ghosts // друзья, дружба //
I'm unclean a libertine And every time you vent your spleen I seem to lose the power of speech You're slipping slowly from my reach You grow me like an everygreen You never see the lonely me at all I... Take the plan, spin it sideways I... Fall Without you I'm nothingТеги: Placebo // Without You I'm Nothing //
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