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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме One Direction от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про One Direction сформированный на этой странице.
I've got scars even though they can't always be seen, And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing. Pay attention , I hope that you listen cause I let my guard down, Right now I'm completely defenceless.Теги: One Direction // If I Could Fly //
You can’t go to bad without a cup of tea , And maybe that’s the reason that you talk in your sleep . And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep Though it makes no sense to me.Теги: One Direction // Little Things //
We took a chance .Теги: One Direction // 18 //
Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes ?Теги: One Direction // Night Changes // красивые цитаты // ночь //
Nobody, nobody Can drag me down.Теги: One Direction // Drag Me Down //
All my life you stood by me when no one else was ever behind me. All these lights that can't blind me, With your love , nobody can drag me down.Теги: One Direction // Drag Me Down // любовь //
You'll never love yourself Half as much as I love you.Теги: One Direction // Little Things // любовь //
Remember the day we were giving up when you told me I didn't give you enough, And all of your friends were saying I'll be leaving you. She's lying in bed with my t-shirt on, just thinking how I went about it wrong. This isn't the stain of a red wine , I'm bleeding love .Теги: One Direction // Olivia //
I don't need my love , you can take it, you can take it, take it, I don't need my heart , you can break it, you can break it, break it. I just can't get too much of you, baby, it's never , it's never enough, Never enough, it's never enough, never enough, Come on, come on!Теги: One Direction // Never Enough //
I've never had the words to say, But now I'm asking you to stay For a little while inside my arms. And as you close your eyes tonight, I pray that you will see The light that's shining from the stars above.Теги: One Direction // More Than This // грустные цитаты //
If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. I think I might give up everything, just ask me to. Pay attention , I hope that you listen cause I let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenceless.Теги: One Direction // If I Could Fly //
I live for you, I long for you, Olivia. I've been idolising the light in your eyes , Olivia. I live for you, I long for you, Olivia. Don't let me go, don't let me go.Теги: One Direction // Olivia //
I'm broken, do you hear me? I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see. I'm dancing alone, I'm praying That your heart will just turn around.Теги: One Direction // More Than This // грустные цитаты //
I have loved you since we were 18, Long before we both thought the same thing — To be loved, to be in love .Теги: One Direction // 18 // любовь //
When you go and I'm alone, you live in my imagination .Теги: One Direction // Olivia // одиночество // воображение // ты //
Wanna pull an all nighter and get into something we'll never forget. Wanna stay up and party the weekend away and not know when to quit. Wanna drive in the night to the end of the earth and go over the edge . Wanna wake up with you and say baby let's do it all over again.Теги: One Direction // Never Enough //
I can feel your heart inside of mine, I feel it, I feel it. I'm going out of my mind , I feel it, I feel it Know that I'm just wasting time And I Hope that you don't run from me.Теги: One Direction // If I Could Fly //
Eyes can't shine, Unless there's something burning bright behind. Since you went away, there's nothing left in mine.Теги: One Direction // Infinity // грустные цитаты // любовь // безответная любовь //
It's like I'm frozen, but the world still turns.Теги: One Direction // Infinity //
You're insecure, don't know what for You're turning heads when you walk through the door . Don't need make up to cover up Being the way that you are is enough.Теги: One Direction // What makes you beautiful // неуверенность // взгляды // макияж //
For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart , For when you're lonely and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only, For your eyes only.Теги: One Direction // If I Could Fly //
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