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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме Helloween от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про Helloween сформированный на этой странице.
You're the keeper of the seven keys That lock up the seven seas. And the seer of visions sais before he went blind Hide them from demons and rescue mankind Or the world we're all in will soon be sold To the thone of the evil paid with Lucifer's gold ...Теги: Helloween // Keeper Of the Seven Keys // красивые цитаты // зло //
Music is like a rising sun .Теги: Helloween // Music // красивые цитаты // музыка // сравнение //
If I could fly Like the king of the sky Could not tumble nor fall I would picture it all If I could fly See the world through my eyes Would not stumble nor fail I could ravage my jail If I could flyТеги: Helloween // If I Could Fly // полет //
When a man is just out for the power, All his life , every day , every hour, - He should be in the psychiatry , Brainsick and sour. It's a ghost living just for the money , It's a cripple with a heart of a mummy.Теги: Helloween // Wanna Be God // жизненные цитаты // власть //
The freedom we search , 'Cause all that we need is inside.Теги: Helloween // In the Night // цитаты со смыслом // свобода //
Our world is a beautiful place to be free.Теги: Helloween // Mankind // красивые цитаты // свобода // мир, мироздание //
We all know the feeling, it's frightenin' sometimes When we catch the news on the radio . Death , war , destruction , limitless pain . All the tears that have been cried!Теги: Helloween // I Paint a New World // война // слезы // беда //
I wanna love but I always hate , I wanna give but I always take, Want you to laugh but I make you cry, Maybe I won't change until I die, It's so much easier said than done, I know I can't just always run . Got so much anger inside of me, I understand but I think I see what I'm not.Теги: Helloween // I Believe // жизненные цитаты // любовь // ненависть //
I Paint A New World . Magical brushes will lighten. A tame new world . Earthwind, fire and sea !Теги: Helloween // I Paint a New World // красивые цитаты // мир, мироздание // живопись, картины //
In the sky a mighty eagle Doesn't care 'bout what's illegal, On its wings the rainbow's light , It's flying to eternity .Теги: Helloween // Eagle Fly Free // красивые цитаты // полет //
I Paint A New World . Colours of magic are brightenin'. Paint A New World . Moon sun and stars are risin'.Теги: Helloween // I Paint a New World // красивые цитаты // мир, мироздание // живопись, картины //
Life's too short to cry, long enough to try.Теги: Helloween // March of Time // мотивирующие цитаты // слезы // попытка //
Stop playing blind — break free!Теги: Helloween // Your Turn // мотивирующие цитаты // слепота // свобода //
Throw the first key into the sea of hate , Throw the second key into the sea of fear , Throw the third key into the sea of senselessness And make the people hold each other's hands . The fourth key belongs into the sea of greed , And the fifth into the sea of ignorance , Disease , disease , disease my friend, For this whole world's in devil's hand. Disease , disease , disease my friend, Throw the key or you may die.Теги: Helloween // Keeper Of the Seven Keys // красивые цитаты // ненависть // страх //
Time passes by, time's gonna fly, Life is much too short to understand it, Don't even try. Time passes by, time's gonna fly, Don't fill up your heart with hate and anger , Give it a try.Теги: Helloween // If a Mountain Could Talk // красивые цитаты // время // жизнь //
Hours of lust, hours of tears passing by before my eyes , Today, tomorrow , yesterday...one life . Days of joy , days of sadness come and go to pass me by, A month, a year, one hundred years , they fly.Теги: Helloween // March of Time // грустные цитаты // жизнь //
Don't say you're too scared up high, Life needs no wings to fly.Теги: Helloween // Live Now! // красивые цитаты // жизнь // полет //
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