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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме Дамба (Sea Wall) от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про Дамба (Sea Wall) сформированный на этой странице.
There’s a hole running through the centre of my stomach. You must have felt a bit awkward because you can probably see it. Even in this light. Mostly people choose not to talk about it. Some people say that they’re sorry about that, yes, they can see my hole.Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // грустные цитаты // пустота // потеря //
She’s wearing this dress. It’s a blue dress, with this dropped back. And she asked me to tell her what I think. I swear, for about thirty seconds I couldn’t speak. She looked… and the idea that I was married to her… and that we had our girl… and that this was our life…Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // жизнь // счастье //
She says that's one of the things she likes about me. I like people. People like me. They think I'm gentle. I had absolutely no idea that people thought I was gentle.Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // жизненные цитаты // человек, люди //
...if you don't know what he looks like, and he doesn't look like anything, then how do you know that he's anything more that just an idea?Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // идеи //
...and putting her arms up and making these little noises which basically mean: «Put me on your lap and read me a story now, you funny old fucker. I don’t care if you’re meant to be weird. I don’t care if you’re meant to be scary. I don’t care what anybody thinks about you. I want a story and I want it now».Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // жизненные цитаты // дети // счастье //
Once you've seen the inside of somebody's stomach, I think your relationships with that person probably moves on to... what? A new lever?Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // отношения //
Just because we don’t know, doesn’t mean we won’t know. We just don’t know yet .Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // цитаты со смыслом // знание //
You see when people say to you that they can’t imagine not believing in anything because it would be just too depressing — I think there’s something sick about that. The level of cowardice in that, is just unbearable… to me.Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // человек, люди // вера //
The misery and the emptiness and the vacuous fucking shitness of their lives is so considerable that the proximity to the behavior of soap characters acts as some kind of consolation.Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // жизнь // пустота //
When you take a photograph what you do is freeze something that is actually alive. To do this property you need, more than anything, to believe in life.Теги: Дамба (Sea Wall) // Алекс (Alex) // фотография //
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