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Обширная коллекция цитат, афоризмов, высказываний из множества источников по теме DAGames от самых разных авторов. Ищете красивый афоризм для своего текста? Хотите использовать умную цитату в важном разговоре? Или просто желаете поставить красивый статус вконтакте или инстаграме? Тогда используйте наш список цитат про DAGames сформированный на этой странице.
My house is huge, yeah, It's 2000 feet high, This does not give you the right To provoke what's behind.Теги: DAGames // Get Out //
Hey! I am alive! Immortalized! You're the creator , You traitor! Hey, There's no vaccine To cure our dirty needs , For now you must Build up our machine , You die tonight!Теги: DAGames // Build Our Machine //
Behind each casting art Is the image of a man who's torn apart.Теги: DAGames // As the Lights Go Out //
You say we have no brains, We're just cartoons for your portrayal, To tell some tale about a boat and sail, But sure this inevitably unveils the fail.Теги: DAGames // Build Our Machine //
Ain't it nice to be underground With a good ol' friend like me (a friend like me, yeah) So you notice that sign, we ain't lying But sit down and take a seat (take a seat) There's an exit for sure But that's for shmucks But a little bit of ink And a couple of bucks We can reopen the curtains And show off the strut But for goodness sake You gotta just believe!Теги: DAGames // Gospel of Dismay //
All the cable in my brain Making me go insane, But the soul still lives!Теги: DAGames // I'm the Purple Guy //
Your curiosity will make you my foe.Теги: DAGames // Get Out //
You see the magic of art , It would tear you apart if you knew!Теги: DAGames // Gospel of Dismay // магия //
We've been stars since the rhythm days, But our instruments have all grown tired. And in the end our only dream was to dance, They took the dance away and we got retired.Теги: DAGames // Gospel of Dismay //
You would have never believed me while smiling, You would have stopped to intrigue when I'm frowning, You would have helped just to shake it off.Теги: DAGames // As the Lights Go Out //
Sticks and stones may break my bones , but the truth hurts even more.Теги: DAGames // The Path of Genocide // правда //
I have no soul Have no goal Have no promises Yet the mask is sealed away!Теги: DAGames // As the Lights Go Out //
When the crowd begins to cheer It's a sign that the end is drawing near.Теги: DAGames // As the Lights Go Out // толпа //
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