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В 13:54 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.
Срочно Помогите!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Кто сделает получет 20 баллов
Healthy Food
1. Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that is gets the things it needs to work properly.
2. Food helps us to keep warm, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.
3. Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.
4. Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills and tablets containing vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.
Level 1
1) Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствия с заголовками (A-D).
A. Витамины и алфавит. С. Ты не можешь жить без еды.
B.О вкусах не спорят. D.Укрепляющий витамин.
2)Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант.
1. Food helps us 2. Vitamins are called after 3. We can get vitamin D
a) to keep fit a) the colors a)in oranges
b) to be healthy b) fruits and vegetables b)in milk
c) to get fun c) the alphabet c) in juice
Level 2
1) Прочитай текст. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту-T(True), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,- F (False).
a) When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well.
b) To get vitamins you need to buy pills.
c) Vitamin C is important for our skin.
d) You can get vitamin D only eating special food.
2) Переведи на русский язык.
Hungry __________
Stay healthy _______
Fresh fruit____________
Level 3
1) Задай три вопроса к тексту.
2) Расставь предложения по порядку и перескажи текст.
1.Vitamins are named after the alphabet.
2. The food helps us to grow and stay healthy.
3. People have different tastes in eating.
4. Vitamin C is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables.
5. Some people like sweet things, other prefer savoury food.
6. We can get vitamins from our food.
7. We are able to make vitamin D if our skin gets enough sunlight.
Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом: Срочно Помогите!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Кто сделает получет 20 баллов
Healthy Food
1. Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that is gets the things it needs to work properly.
2. Food helps us to keep warm, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.
3. Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.
4. Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills and tablets containing vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.
Level 1
1) Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствия с заголовками (A-D).
A. Витамины и алфавит. С. Ты не можешь жить без еды.
B.О вкусах не спорят. D.Укрепляющий витамин.
2)Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант.
1. Food helps us 2. Vitamins are called after 3. We can get vitamin D
a) to keep fit a) the colors a)in oranges
b) to be healthy b) fruits and vegetables b)in milk
c) to get fun c) the alphabet c) in juice
Level 2
1) Прочитай текст. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту-T(True), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,- F (False).
a) When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well.
b) To get vitamins you need to buy pills.
c) Vitamin C is important for our skin.
d) You can get vitamin D only eating special food.
2) Переведи на русский язык.
Hungry __________
Stay healthy _______
Fresh fruit____________
Level 3
1) Задай три вопроса к тексту.
2) Расставь предложения по порядку и перескажи текст.
1.Vitamins are named after the alphabet.
2. The food helps us to grow and stay healthy.
3. People have different tastes in eating.
4. Vitamin C is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables.
5. Some people like sweet things, other prefer savoury food.
6. We can get vitamins from our food.
7. We are able to make vitamin D if our skin gets enough sunlight.
После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:
Level 1
2).1 a
2 c
3 b
Level 2
a T
b T
c T
d F
Быть здоровым
Свежие фрукты
Солнечный свет
Level 3
What is the way of making shure that our body is getting things to work properly?
Which vitamin helps our bones to grow strong?
Where do people get vitamins from?
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