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HELP!!!CPOЧНО!!!!ПОДОБРАТЬ ЗАГОЛОВКИ К ТЕКСТАМ!!!! Nature’s Cheats 0 I Anna is digging in...

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Nature’s Cheats

0 I

Anna is digging in the ground for a potato, when along comes Paul. Paul looks to see what Anna’s doing and then, seeing that there is no one in sight, starts to scream as loud as he can. Paul’s angry mother rushes over and chases Anna away. Once his Mum has gone, Paul walks over and helps himself to Anna’s potato.


Does this ring a bell? I’m sure it does. We’ve all experienced annoying tricks when we were young – the brother who stole your toys and then got you into trouble by telling your parents you had hit him. But Anna and Paul are not humans. They’re African baboons, and playing tricks is as much part of monkey behaviour as it is of human behaviour.


Throughout nature, tricks like this are common – they are part of daily survival. There are insects that hide from their enemies by looking like leaves or twigs, and harmless snakes that imitate poisonous ones. Such behaviour, developed over hundreds of thousand of years, is instinctive and completely natural. Some animals, however, go further and use a more deliberate kind of deception – they use normal behaviour to trick other animals. In most cases the animal probably doesn’t know it is deceiving, only that certain actions give it an advantage. But in apes and some monkeys the behaviour seems much more like that of humans.


What about Paul the baboon? His scream and his mother’s attack on Anna could have been a matter of chance, but Paul was later seen playing the same trick on others. This use of a third individual to achieve a goal is only one of the many tricks commonly used by apes. Another tactic is the ‘Look behind you!’ trick. When one young male baboon was attacked by several others, he stood on his back legs and looked into the distance, as if there was an enemy there. The attackers turned to look behind them and lost interest in their victim. In fact, there was no enemy.


Studying behaviour like this is complicated because it’s difficult to do laboratory experiments to test whether behaviour is intentional. It would be easy to suggest that these cases mean the baboons were deliberately tricking other animals, but they might have learnt the behaviour without understanding how it worked. So the psychologists talked to colleagues who studied apes and asked them if they had noticed this kind of deception. They discovered many liars and cheats, but the cleverest were apes who clearly showed that they intended to deceive and knew when they themselves had been deceived.


An amusing example of this comes from a psychologist working in Tanzania. A young chimp was annoying him, so he tricked her into going away by pretending he had seen something interesting in the distance. When the chimp looked and found nothing, she ‘walked back, hit me over the head with her hand and ignored me for the rest of the day’.


Another way to decide whether an animal’s behaviour is deliberate is to look for actions that are not normal for that animal. A zoo worker describes how a gorilla dealt with an enemy. ‘He slowly crept up behind the other gorilla, walking on tiptoe. When he got close to his enemy he pushed him violently in the back, then ran indoors.’ Wild gorillas do not normally walk on tiptoe. Of course it’s possible that the gorilla could have learnt from humans that such behaviour works, without understanding why. But looking at the many cases of deliberate deception in apes, it is impossible to explain them all as simple imitation.


Taking all the evidence into account, it seems that deception does play an important part in ape societies where there are complex social rules and relationships and where problems are better solved by social pressure than by physical conflict. The ability of animals to deceive and cheat may be a better measure of their intelligence than their use of tools. Studying the intelligence of our closest relatives could be the way to understand the development of human intelligence.

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Nature’s Cheats

0 I

Anna is digging in the ground for a potato, when along comes Paul. Paul looks to see what Anna’s doing and then, seeing that there is no one in sight, starts to scream as loud as he can. Paul’s angry mother rushes over and chases Anna away. Once his Mum has gone, Paul walks over and helps himself to Anna’s potato.


Does this ring a bell? I’m sure it does. We’ve all experienced annoying tricks when we were young – the brother who stole your toys and then got you into trouble by telling your parents you had hit him. But Anna and Paul are not humans. They’re African baboons, and playing tricks is as much part of monkey behaviour as it is of human behaviour.


Throughout nature, tricks like this are common – they are part of daily survival. There are insects that hide from their enemies by looking like leaves or twigs, and harmless snakes that imitate poisonous ones. Such behaviour, developed over hundreds of thousand of years, is instinctive and completely natural. Some animals, however, go further and use a more deliberate kind of deception – they use normal behaviour to trick other animals. In most cases the animal probably doesn’t know it is deceiving, only that certain actions give it an advantage. But in apes and some monkeys the behaviour seems much more like that of humans.


What about Paul the baboon? His scream and his mother’s attack on Anna could have been a matter of chance, but Paul was later seen playing the same trick on others. This use of a third individual to achieve a goal is only one of the many tricks commonly used by apes. Another tactic is the ‘Look behind you!’ trick. When one young male baboon was attacked by several others, he stood on his back legs and looked into the distance, as if there was an enemy there. The attackers turned to look behind them and lost interest in their victim. In fact, there was no enemy.


Studying behaviour like this is complicated because it’s difficult to do laboratory experiments to test whether behaviour is intentional. It would be easy to suggest that these cases mean the baboons were deliberately tricking other animals, but they might have learnt the behaviour without understanding how it worked. So the psychologists talked to colleagues who studied apes and asked them if they had noticed this kind of deception. They discovered many liars and cheats, but the cleverest were apes who clearly showed that they intended to deceive and knew when they themselves had been deceived.


An amusing example of this comes from a psychologist working in Tanzania. A young chimp was annoying him, so he tricked her into going away by pretending he had seen something interesting in the distance. When the chimp looked and found nothing, she ‘walked back, hit me over the head with her hand and ignored me for the rest of the day’.


Another way to decide whether an animal’s behaviour is deliberate is to look for actions that are not normal for that animal. A zoo worker describes how a gorilla dealt with an enemy. ‘He slowly crept up behind the other gorilla, walking on tiptoe. When he got close to his enemy he pushed him violently in the back, then ran indoors.’ Wild gorillas do not normally walk on tiptoe. Of course it’s possible that the gorilla could have learnt from humans that such behaviour works, without understanding why. But looking at the many cases of deliberate deception in apes, it is impossible to explain them all as simple imitation.


Taking all the evidence into account, it seems that deception does play an important part in ape societies where there are complex social rules and relationships and where problems are better solved by social pressure than by physical conflict. The ability of animals to deceive and cheat may be a better measure of their intelligence than their use of tools. Studying the intelligence of our closest relatives could be the way to understand the development of human intelligence.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

0 я
Ганна копається в землі картоплю, коли приходить Павло. Павло дивиться, що роблять Ганна і тоді, бачачи, що немає нікого в полі зору, починає кричати так голосно, як він може. Розгнівана мати Павла кидається і жене Ганну геть. Одного разу його мати пішла, Павло підійшов і взяв собі картоплю Анни.
Чи означає це кільце дзвони? Я впевнений, що він робить. Ми всі відчули дратує трюки, коли ми були молоді – брат, хто вкрав твої іграшки, а потім ти потрапляєш у халепу, сказавши батькам, що ти потрапив. Але Ганна і Павло-не люди. Вони африканські бабуїни, і трюки теж багато мавпячого поведінки як поведінки людини.
По всій своїй природі, трюки, як цього є загальними – вони є частиною повсякденного життя. Є комахи, які ховаються від своїх ворогів, дивлячись, як листя або гілочки, і нешкідливі змії, що імітують отруйних. Такої поведінки, вироблені за сотні тисяч років, інстинктивне і цілком природним. Деякі тварини, однак, піти далі і використовувати більш свідоме роду обман – вони використовують нормальну поведінку, щоб обдурити інших тварин. У більшості випадків це тварина, ймовірно, не знає, що його обманюють, тільки що певні дії дають йому перевагу. Але у мавп і деяких мавп поведінка здається набагато більше подобається, ніж у людини.
Щодо статі бабуїн? Його крик і атакувати його матері Ганни могло бути справа випадку, але Павло пізніше був помічений граючим в цей же трюк з іншим. Таке використання третьою людиною, щоб досягти цілі-це тільки одна з багатьох прийомів, які часто використовуються мавпи. Інша тактика-це 'озирнись!' трюк. Коли один молодий самець бабуїна напали кілька людей, він стояв на задніх лапах і дивився вдалину, немов там був ворог. Нападники повернулися, щоб подивитися за ними і втратив інтерес до своєї жертви. Насправді, не було жодного ворога.
Вивчення поведінки, як це складно, тому що важко робити лабораторні експерименти, щоб перевірити, чи є поведінка є навмисним. Було б легко припустити, що ці випадки маю на увазі павіанів були свідомо обманюючи інших тварин, але вони, можливо, дізналися, поведінка, не розуміючи, як вона працює. Тому психологи поспілкувалися з колегами, які вивчали мавп і запитав їх, якщо вони помітили подібного роду обману. Вони виявили багато шахраїв і шахраїв, але самі розумні були мавпами, які ясно показували, що вони призначені, щоб обдурити і знав, коли вони самі були обмануті.
Цікавим прикладом цього виходить від психолога, що працює в Танзанії. Молодий шимпанзе дратувало його, тому він змусив її йти геть, роблячи вигляд, що він бачив щось цікаве далеко. Коли шимпанзе подивився і, нічого не знайшовши, вона повернулася, вдарив мене по голові рукою і ігнорувати мене до кінця дня.
Ще один спосіб, щоб вирішити, чи є поведінка тварини є навмисним, шукати дії, які не є нормальними для цієї тварини. Працівник зоопарку описує, як горили розправлялися з ворогом. Він повільно підкрався ззаду інший горили, ходити навшпиньки. Коли він наблизився до свого ворога, він люто штовхнув його в спину, потім побіг в закритому приміщенні.' Дикі горили, як правило, не ходять навшпиньки. Звичайно, можливо, що горили могли б дізнався від людей, що така поведінка працює, не розуміючи, чому. Але дивлячись на багато випадків навмисного обману у мавп, це неможливо пояснити їм усе як просте наслідування.
Беручи до уваги всі докази, здається, що обман відіграє важливу роль у суспільстві мавпи, де існують складні соціальні правила і відносини і проблеми, які краще вирішувати за допомогою соціального тиску, ніж на фізичний конфлікт. Здатність тварин, щоб обдурити і надурити може бути краще міру свого інтелекту, ніж їх використанні інструментів. Вивчення інтелекту наших найближчих родичів може бути шлях до розуміння розвитку людського інтелекту.



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