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Помогите пожалуйста. PART 2 I.GRAMMAR: Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences....

В 19:12 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

Вопрос вызвавший трудности

Помогите пожалуйста.
I.GRAMMAR: Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My brother _____ Russian.
A speak B speaks C do speak
1 They _____ their holiday.
A didn’t enjoyed B don’t enjoyed C didn’t enjoy
2 _____ to the bank this morning?
A Did you go B Did you went C Were you
3 When the bus _____ we got off.
A stoped B stopped C stop
4 When I woke up it _____.
A was rain B were raining C was raining
5 What _____ when I phoned you?
A were you doing B was you doing C you were doing
6 When I _____ her she was working in a cybercafé.
A meet B met C was meeting
7 Who _____ to?
A he wrote B did he write C he was writing
8 Who _____ the tickets?
A bought B did buy C did bought
9 It was really hot in Oslo, _____ it’s normally cold there.
A because B although C so
10 I was really tired _____ I decided not to go to the gym.
A so B but C because
11 A:Why _____ you come to the party? B: I wasn’t invited!
A don’t B didn’t C wasn’t
12 What _____ the weather like when you were there?
A was B did C is
13 _____ you buy the paper this morning?
A Do B Was C Did
14 I usually go by bus, but yesterday I _____ by train.
A went B go C goed
15 When I saw him he _____ running, he was walking.
A was B wasn’t C isn’t
16 A:Were the children watching TV? B:No, they _____.
A weren’t B wasn’t C aren’t
17 A:_____ jacket do you prefer? B : I think I prefer the black one.
A Why B Whose C Which
18 A:Who _____ the match? B:Liverpool. It was 1–0.
A won B win C was winning
19 We were very late, _____ we took a taxi.
A because B but C so
20 _____ she isn't very tall, she’s very good at basketball.
A Because B Although C But
a) Tick () the correct past simple verbs.
Example: speak
A spoke B speaked C speak
1 break
A break B broke C brocke
2 buy
A bought B buyed C brought
3 tell
A telled B told C tell
4 take
A taken B toke C took
5 choose
A chosen B choosed C chose
b) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the expressions.
Example: _____ photos
A take B have C get
6 _____ on the door
A try B open C knock
7 _____ a car
A hire B take C go
8_____ a flat
A stay B go C rent
9 _____ camping
A stay B go C rent
10 _____ in a hotel
A stay B go C rent
c) What’s the weather like? Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: It is so _____; I need my sunglasses.
A hot B foggy C sunny 
11 It’s 30
C. It’s ________.
A freezing B hot C foggy
12 I am using my umbrella because it’s ________.
A freezing B raining C cloudy
13 It’s –5
C. It’s ________.
A freezing B windy C foggy
14 I’m on holiday in the mountains and it ________ yesterday. Everything is white.
A snowed B rained C windy
15 I can’t see anything because it is so ________.
A cold B hot C foggy
d) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
16 We always meet _____ Friday night.
A in B at C on
17 What are you going to do _____ Christmas?
A in B at C on
18 What did you study _____ university?
A in B at C on
19 My aunt lives _____ Mexico.
A in B at C on
20 Don’t leave your books _____ the floor!
A in B at C on
a) Which word has a different sound? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A van B tram C lane 
1 A which B who C whose
2 A when B who C where
3 A later B take C abroad
4 A sunbathe B madly C panic
5 A dance B although C fast
b) Which is the stressed syllable? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A afternoon B afternoon C afternoon
6 A exhibition B exhibition C exhibition
7 A together B together C together
8 A sightseeing B sightseeing C sightseeing
9 A October B October C October
10 A accident B accident C accident

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Помогите пожалуйста.
I.GRAMMAR: Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My brother _____ Russian.
A speak B speaks C do speak
1 They _____ their holiday.
A didn’t enjoyed B don’t enjoyed C didn’t enjoy
2 _____ to the bank this morning?
A Did you go B Did you went C Were you
3 When the bus _____ we got off.
A stoped B stopped C stop
4 When I woke up it _____.
A was rain B were raining C was raining
5 What _____ when I phoned you?
A were you doing B was you doing C you were doing
6 When I _____ her she was working in a cybercafé.
A meet B met C was meeting
7 Who _____ to?
A he wrote B did he write C he was writing
8 Who _____ the tickets?
A bought B did buy C did bought
9 It was really hot in Oslo, _____ it’s normally cold there.
A because B although C so
10 I was really tired _____ I decided not to go to the gym.
A so B but C because
11 A:Why _____ you come to the party? B: I wasn’t invited!
A don’t B didn’t C wasn’t
12 What _____ the weather like when you were there?
A was B did C is
13 _____ you buy the paper this morning?
A Do B Was C Did
14 I usually go by bus, but yesterday I _____ by train.
A went B go C goed
15 When I saw him he _____ running, he was walking.
A was B wasn’t C isn’t
16 A:Were the children watching TV? B:No, they _____.
A weren’t B wasn’t C aren’t
17 A:_____ jacket do you prefer? B : I think I prefer the black one.
A Why B Whose C Which
18 A:Who _____ the match? B:Liverpool. It was 1–0.
A won B win C was winning
19 We were very late, _____ we took a taxi.
A because B but C so
20 _____ she isn't very tall, she’s very good at basketball.
A Because B Although C But
a) Tick () the correct past simple verbs.
Example: speak
A spoke B speaked C speak
1 break
A break B broke C brocke
2 buy
A bought B buyed C brought
3 tell
A telled B told C tell
4 take
A taken B toke C took
5 choose
A chosen B choosed C chose
b) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the expressions.
Example: _____ photos
A take B have C get
6 _____ on the door
A try B open C knock
7 _____ a car
A hire B take C go
8_____ a flat
A stay B go C rent
9 _____ camping
A stay B go C rent
10 _____ in a hotel
A stay B go C rent
c) What’s the weather like? Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: It is so _____; I need my sunglasses.
A hot B foggy C sunny 
11 It’s 30
C. It’s ________.
A freezing B hot C foggy
12 I am using my umbrella because it’s ________.
A freezing B raining C cloudy
13 It’s –5
C. It’s ________.
A freezing B windy C foggy
14 I’m on holiday in the mountains and it ________ yesterday. Everything is white.
A snowed B rained C windy
15 I can’t see anything because it is so ________.
A cold B hot C foggy
d) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
16 We always meet _____ Friday night.
A in B at C on
17 What are you going to do _____ Christmas?
A in B at C on
18 What did you study _____ university?
A in B at C on
19 My aunt lives _____ Mexico.
A in B at C on
20 Don’t leave your books _____ the floor!
A in B at C on
a) Which word has a different sound? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A van B tram C lane 
1 A which B who C whose
2 A when B who C where
3 A later B take C abroad
4 A sunbathe B madly C panic
5 A dance B although C fast
b) Which is the stressed syllable? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A afternoon B afternoon C afternoon
6 A exhibition B exhibition C exhibition
7 A together B together C together
8 A sightseeing B sightseeing C sightseeing
9 A October B October C October
10 A accident B accident C accident

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

b)задание недописано?



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