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Соотнесите заголовки и текст, пожалуйста!!!! 1. Lost music 2. In search of a style 3. ...

В 22:001 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

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Соотнесите заголовки и текст, пожалуйста!!!!
Lost music
In search of a style
Famous songs
Conquering another continent

How it started
National triumph
A meaningful name
Their first manager
The ‘Fab Four’, the famous Liverpool musical group commonly known as ‘the Beatles’, got to the peak of its popularity in the 60s. But the real story began much earlier when Paul McCartney heard the skiffle country music played by John Lennon’s group at St.Paul’s church in Liverpool. McCartney was a brilliant guitarist, so they let him join the group a week later.

The group changed its name several times, from ‘Johnny and the Moondogs’ to ‘Long John and the Silver Beatles’ and finally ‘The Beatles’. The short title is in itself a smart mixture of two words. The ‘beat’ is a synonym for musical rhythm, while ‘the beetles’ describes insects producing sounds using their shiny wings.

Lennon, Harrison, McCartney, and Starr were the heart of ‘the Beatles’ while the other members constantly changed. Many guitarists and drummers joined but finally left the group. The style changed too. When ‘the Beatles’ left Britain to perform in Europe, they turned from folk to rock-n-roll to win over the public. They also played foreign music and composed their own songs.

Soon the group issued their first single ‘My Bonnie’, which became popular in Liverpool. Once a customer asked for it in a music shop but there were no copies left. When Epstein, the shop owner, finally got the disc he was surprised to hear a good quality song by the group that played in the club next to his shop. The same month he signed the first contract with ‘the Beatles’ as their musical agent.

1963 is thought to be the beginning of the glorious history of the group and the ‘Beatlemania’ period. The young musicians managed to record their first album in less than ten hours and held the top of the hit parades in Britain for six months. They gave their first concert at the London ‘Palladium’, which was broadcast and watched by over fifteen million viewers.

Although in 1963 the group issued more than three hundred thousand copies of its second album at home, they only broke the American market a year later. During their first tour to the USA the group was welcomed by thousands of fans at Kennedy airport in New York. For half a year ‘the Beatles’ were touring the USA and were top of the charts.

During their USA tour ‘the Beatles’ visited Elvis Presley. They talked a lot and played music, and managed to record several priceless compositions. The reason why none of the songs have been issued is widely discussed today. No matter how hard musical agents tried to find the recordings, they failed. This is one of the secrets ‘the Beatles’ left unrevealed.

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Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Соотнесите заголовки и текст, пожалуйста!!!!
Lost music
In search of a style
Famous songs
Conquering another continent

How it started
National triumph
A meaningful name
Their first manager
The ‘Fab Four’, the famous Liverpool musical group commonly known as ‘the Beatles’, got to the peak of its popularity in the 60s. But the real story began much earlier when Paul McCartney heard the skiffle country music played by John Lennon’s group at St.Paul’s church in Liverpool. McCartney was a brilliant guitarist, so they let him join the group a week later.

The group changed its name several times, from ‘Johnny and the Moondogs’ to ‘Long John and the Silver Beatles’ and finally ‘The Beatles’. The short title is in itself a smart mixture of two words. The ‘beat’ is a synonym for musical rhythm, while ‘the beetles’ describes insects producing sounds using their shiny wings.

Lennon, Harrison, McCartney, and Starr were the heart of ‘the Beatles’ while the other members constantly changed. Many guitarists and drummers joined but finally left the group. The style changed too. When ‘the Beatles’ left Britain to perform in Europe, they turned from folk to rock-n-roll to win over the public. They also played foreign music and composed their own songs.

Soon the group issued their first single ‘My Bonnie’, which became popular in Liverpool. Once a customer asked for it in a music shop but there were no copies left. When Epstein, the shop owner, finally got the disc he was surprised to hear a good quality song by the group that played in the club next to his shop. The same month he signed the first contract with ‘the Beatles’ as their musical agent.

1963 is thought to be the beginning of the glorious history of the group and the ‘Beatlemania’ period. The young musicians managed to record their first album in less than ten hours and held the top of the hit parades in Britain for six months. They gave their first concert at the London ‘Palladium’, which was broadcast and watched by over fifteen million viewers.

Although in 1963 the group issued more than three hundred thousand copies of its second album at home, they only broke the American market a year later. During their first tour to the USA the group was welcomed by thousands of fans at Kennedy airport in New York. For half a year ‘the Beatles’ were touring the USA and were top of the charts.

During their USA tour ‘the Beatles’ visited Elvis Presley. They talked a lot and played music, and managed to record several priceless compositions. The reason why none of the songs have been issued is widely discussed today. No matter how hard musical agents tried to find the recordings, they failed. This is one of the secrets ‘the Beatles’ left unrevealed.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:




Работы, которые я готовлю для студентов, преподаватели всегда оценивают на отлично. Я занимаюсь написанием студенческих работ уже более 4-х лет. За это время, мне еще ни разу не возвращали выполненную работу на доработку! Если вы желаете заказать у меня помощь оставьте заявку на этом сайте. Ознакомиться с отзывами моих клиентов можно на этой странице.

Трофимова Юстина Ростиславовна - автор студенческих работ, заработанная сумма за  прошлый месяц 63 922 рублей. Её работа началась с того, что она просто откликнулась на эту вакансию


Выполняем ученические работы любой сложности на заказ. Гарантируем низкие цены и высокое качество.

Деятельность компании в цифрах:

Зачтено оказывает услуги помощи студентам с 1999 года. За все время деятельности мы выполнили более 400 тысяч работ. Написанные нами работы все были успешно защищены и сданы. К настоящему моменту наши офисы работают в 40 городах.


Ответы на вопросы - в этот раздел попадают вопросы, которые задают нам посетители нашего сайта. Рубрику ведут эксперты различных научных отраслей.

Полезные статьи - раздел наполняется студенческой информацией, которая может помочь в сдаче экзаменов и сессий, а так же при написании различных учебных работ.

Красивые высказывания - цитаты, афоризмы, статусы для социальных сетей. Мы собрали полный сборник высказываний всех народов мира и отсортировали его по соответствующим рубрикам. Вы можете свободно поделиться любой цитатой с нашего сайта в социальных сетях без предварительного уведомления администрации.