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Нужен КРАТКИЙ пересказ текста Popular games and sports in Britain 5-10 предложений....

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Нужен КРАТКИЙ пересказ текста Popular games and sports in Britain 5-10 предложений. Срочно! Заранее спасибо(23 Б)
Popular games and sports in Britain

The British, like all love sports and games. But if you ask them what sports they love, they will probably be called football, cricket and tennis, although many of them are engaged in sports such as golf and hockey, athletics and rock climbing, horseback riding and boating, rugby and rowing.

In Britain it was invented and developed a lot of sports and games that are now played all over the world. Football one. Probably the most popular sport in the world was developed in England. It is spread across the country - in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their national teams compete against each other every year. They take part in various competitions. Two of the best teams meet in the final match of the Cup at Wembley Stadium in London. This is one of the most important games of the year. National teams of England, Wales,

Scotland and Northern Ireland are taking part in European competitions and other international matches. In Britain, a lot of football clubs.

The British are famous for their sense of humor. Here is one of their jokes about football: "Football is a game in which one part of the stadium wants to see eleven people were killed, and the other part wants to see eleven people killed."

Cricket is another popular summer sports game. It is sometimes called the English national game. It is known that cricket played back in 1550. Many cricket clubs were founded in the 18th century. Now this year the game, typically British, played in schools, colleges and universities, and in many towns and villages in Britain. Students play the game with a weekly late April to early September. Cricket is very long and slow play. International cricket matches last for five days. Cricket is played not only by men. Girls and women are also playing this game.

British boxing as a sport is very old. It existed in the time of the Saxons. Golf began to develop in Scotland and is now widespread throughout Britain. Tennis is another popular game in Britain. The first time it was played in 1872 and was the first championship at Wimbledon in 1877. Currently, every summer in June the British carried the famous tennis tournament in Wimbledon near London.

Swimming, boating and boating has always been popular in Britain, and they are addicted to millions of people. But the British have little interest in skiing and skating, sports typical for Russia. Can you explain why?

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Нужен КРАТКИЙ пересказ текста Popular games and sports in Britain 5-10 предложений. Срочно! Заранее спасибо(23 Б)
Popular games and sports in Britain

The British, like all love sports and games. But if you ask them what sports they love, they will probably be called football, cricket and tennis, although many of them are engaged in sports such as golf and hockey, athletics and rock climbing, horseback riding and boating, rugby and rowing.

In Britain it was invented and developed a lot of sports and games that are now played all over the world. Football one. Probably the most popular sport in the world was developed in England. It is spread across the country - in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their national teams compete against each other every year. They take part in various competitions. Two of the best teams meet in the final match of the Cup at Wembley Stadium in London. This is one of the most important games of the year. National teams of England, Wales,

Scotland and Northern Ireland are taking part in European competitions and other international matches. In Britain, a lot of football clubs.

The British are famous for their sense of humor. Here is one of their jokes about football: "Football is a game in which one part of the stadium wants to see eleven people were killed, and the other part wants to see eleven people killed."

Cricket is another popular summer sports game. It is sometimes called the English national game. It is known that cricket played back in 1550. Many cricket clubs were founded in the 18th century. Now this year the game, typically British, played in schools, colleges and universities, and in many towns and villages in Britain. Students play the game with a weekly late April to early September. Cricket is very long and slow play. International cricket matches last for five days. Cricket is played not only by men. Girls and women are also playing this game.

British boxing as a sport is very old. It existed in the time of the Saxons. Golf began to develop in Scotland and is now widespread throughout Britain. Tennis is another popular game in Britain. The first time it was played in 1872 and was the first championship at Wimbledon in 1877. Currently, every summer in June the British carried the famous tennis tournament in Wimbledon near London.

Swimming, boating and boating has always been popular in Britain, and they are addicted to millions of people. But the British have little interest in skiing and skating, sports typical for Russia. Can you explain why?

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

if you ask them what sports they love, they will probably be called football, cricket and tennis, although many of them are engaged in sports such as golf and hockey, athletics and rock climbing, horseback riding and boating, rugby and rowing.
Football one of the popular kind of sport that was invented in Britain. Also 
The British are famous for their sense of humor. 
Cricket is another popular summer sports game. It is sometimes called the English national game.
Golf began to develop in Scotland and is now widespread throughout Britain. Tennis is another popular game in Britain. 
Swimming, boating and boating has always been popular in Britain.



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