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ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА Exercise 21. Измените предложения по образцу, используя...

В 17:007 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

Вопрос вызвавший трудности

Exercise 21. Измените предложения по образцу, используя место-
ОБРАЗЕЦ: The cat belongs to me. - This is my cat. The cat is mine.
1.The pencils belong to Jane. - ... .2. The book belongs to me.- ... .
3.The pen belongs to Jack. - ... .4. The car belongs to you.- ... .5. These photographs belong to you and me.- ....6. These flowers belong to you and your mother.- . . . .7. The house belongs to Mr and Mrs Long.- ....
Exercise 22. Вставьте вместо точек нужные местоимения.
1.- Does this dog belong to you and ... sister?
-Yes, it's .... It belongs to ... both.
-What does it want?
-It wants ... dinner.
2.— Has Sandy got a camera?
-Yes, this is ... .He got... last week.
-Do the films belong to Sandy and Pauline?
-Yes, they are .... All the films belong to ....
Exercise 23. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоиме-
1.This is Mr Simpson. And this is ... daughter.
2.This is Mr White. And this is ... wife.
3.This is Ivan. And these are ... children.
4.My name is Ann. And these are ... parents.
5.These are Tom and Jack. And These are ... sisters.
6.This is my dog. And this is ... house.
7.This is Mary. And this is ... doll.
8.This is Brian. And this is ... car.
9.We are sisters, This is ... mother.
Exercise 24. Замените существительные соответствующими ме-
1. Please give the money to Sandy. 2.The teacher reads the story to the children. 3. Did you givethe letter to your friend? 4. Senda letter to Mrs Halse. 5. We gavesome Kittikat to the cats. 6.Alice sent a card to her granny. 7. Can you give the book tomy brother? 8. Will you tell this tomy parents'? 9. Phoneme and my brother tomorrow. 10. Call on Mike and his brother.

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Exercise 21. Измените предложения по образцу, используя место-
ОБРАЗЕЦ: The cat belongs to me. - This is my cat. The cat is mine.
1.The pencils belong to Jane. - ... .2. The book belongs to me.- ... .
3.The pen belongs to Jack. - ... .4. The car belongs to you.- ... .5. These photographs belong to you and me.- ....6. These flowers belong to you and your mother.- . . . .7. The house belongs to Mr and Mrs Long.- ....
Exercise 22. Вставьте вместо точек нужные местоимения.
1.- Does this dog belong to you and ... sister?
-Yes, it's .... It belongs to ... both.
-What does it want?
-It wants ... dinner.
2.— Has Sandy got a camera?
-Yes, this is ... .He got... last week.
-Do the films belong to Sandy and Pauline?
-Yes, they are .... All the films belong to ....
Exercise 23. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоиме-
1.This is Mr Simpson. And this is ... daughter.
2.This is Mr White. And this is ... wife.
3.This is Ivan. And these are ... children.
4.My name is Ann. And these are ... parents.
5.These are Tom and Jack. And These are ... sisters.
6.This is my dog. And this is ... house.
7.This is Mary. And this is ... doll.
8.This is Brian. And this is ... car.
9.We are sisters, This is ... mother.
Exercise 24. Замените существительные соответствующими ме-
1. Please give the money to Sandy. 2.The teacher reads the story to the children. 3. Did you givethe letter to your friend? 4. Senda letter to Mrs Halse. 5. We gavesome Kittikat to the cats. 6.Alice sent a card to her granny. 7. Can you give the book tomy brother? 8. Will you tell this tomy parents'? 9. Phoneme and my brother tomorrow. 10. Call on Mike and his brother.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

№211. This is Jane's pencil. The pencil is hers. 2. This is my book. The book is mine. 3. This is Jack's pen. The pen is his. 4. This is my car. The car is mine5. These are our photographs. The photographs are ours. 6. These are my and my mother's flowers. The flowers are yours.7. This is Mr and Mrs Long's house. The house is theirs.

#221.- Does this dog belong to you and your sister?-Yes, it's ours. It belongs to us both.
-What does it want?
-It wants its dinner.
2.— Has Sandy got a camera?
-Yes, this is his .He got it last week.
-Do the films belong to Sandy and Pauline?
-Yes, they are theirs. All the films belong to them
This is Mr Simpson. And this is ... HER daughter.
2.This is Mr White. And this is ... HIS wife.
3.This is Ivan. And these are .HIS.. children.
4.My name is Ann. And these are ..MY. parents.
5.These are Tom and Jack. And These are ..THEIR. sisters.
6.This is my dog. And this is ..ITS. house.
7.This is Mary. And this is ..HER. doll.
8.This is Brian. And this is .HIS.. car.
9.We are sisters, This is .OUR.. mother.



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