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Помогите пожалуйста с тестом TEST. Variant I. Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer. The...

В 6:56 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

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Помогите пожалуйста с тестом
TEST. Variant I.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.

The reporter ______________ his work when he _______________ by his boss.

was finishing, called b) was finished, was called c) was finishing, was called

The criminal _______________ by the police yesterday.

caught b) was caught c) was catching

English ________________ by a lot of people in the world.

is spoken b) speaks c) spoke

My cousins just __________________ “The Titanic.”

has watched b) have watched c) have been watched

I _________________ for my glasses for two weeks before my daughter found them.

was looking b) was looked c) had been looking

My watch _______________ recently.

has been stolen b) has stolen c) steals

A new hospital ________________ at the moment in this town.

is being built b) is building c) is built

Nobody __________ this room.

cleans b) is cleaned c) is cleaning

_______ you _______ a nice present for your birthday?

was / given b) were / given c) did / give

Jack ________________ e-mail at the moment.

sends b) is sent c) is sending

Exercise 2. Transform the sentences into the passive voice where possible.

Carol told us a very funny story.

The travel agent has just made the holiday arrangements for Paul.

The children came home late last night.

The boss had paid workers a poor salary.

My brother –in-law always buys me pencils.

They leave for work early.

ABC will release a new album in December.

Exercise 3. Transform the sentences into the active voice.

Some children have been punished for bullying.

The lost laptop was found in the office.

We are advised not to drink fizzy drinks by our doctor.

Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.

Yesterday’s earthquake is being informed about by CNN at the moment.

Exercise 4. Ask questions using the passive.

About the car (when/invent)

About Moscow (who/found)

About computers (what/use for)

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Помогите пожалуйста с тестом
TEST. Variant I.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.

The reporter ______________ his work when he _______________ by his boss.

was finishing, called b) was finished, was called c) was finishing, was called

The criminal _______________ by the police yesterday.

caught b) was caught c) was catching

English ________________ by a lot of people in the world.

is spoken b) speaks c) spoke

My cousins just __________________ “The Titanic.”

has watched b) have watched c) have been watched

I _________________ for my glasses for two weeks before my daughter found them.

was looking b) was looked c) had been looking

My watch _______________ recently.

has been stolen b) has stolen c) steals

A new hospital ________________ at the moment in this town.

is being built b) is building c) is built

Nobody __________ this room.

cleans b) is cleaned c) is cleaning

_______ you _______ a nice present for your birthday?

was / given b) were / given c) did / give

Jack ________________ e-mail at the moment.

sends b) is sent c) is sending

Exercise 2. Transform the sentences into the passive voice where possible.

Carol told us a very funny story.

The travel agent has just made the holiday arrangements for Paul.

The children came home late last night.

The boss had paid workers a poor salary.

My brother –in-law always buys me pencils.

They leave for work early.

ABC will release a new album in December.

Exercise 3. Transform the sentences into the active voice.

Some children have been punished for bullying.

The lost laptop was found in the office.

We are advised not to drink fizzy drinks by our doctor.

Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.

Yesterday’s earthquake is being informed about by CNN at the moment.

Exercise 4. Ask questions using the passive.

About the car (when/invent)

About Moscow (who/found)

About computers (what/use for)

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

Ex. 1 1-c 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-c 6-a 7-a 8-c 9-b 10-c
ex. 2 A very funny story was told  by Carol.
The holiday arrangements has been just made for Paul by the travel agent
Workers had been paid a poor salary by the boss.
Pencils are always bought by my brother-in-law
A new album will be released in December by ABC
Ex.3 They have punished some children for bullying
They found the lost laptop in the office
Our doctor advises us not to drink fizzy drinks
They speak
Portuguese in Brazil
Cnn is informing about
yesterday’s earthquake at the moment




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Зачтено оказывает услуги помощи студентам с 1999 года. За все время деятельности мы выполнили более 400 тысяч работ. Написанные нами работы все были успешно защищены и сданы. К настоящему моменту наши офисы работают в 40 городах.


Ответы на вопросы - в этот раздел попадают вопросы, которые задают нам посетители нашего сайта. Рубрику ведут эксперты различных научных отраслей.

Полезные статьи - раздел наполняется студенческой информацией, которая может помочь в сдаче экзаменов и сессий, а так же при написании различных учебных работ.

Красивые высказывания - цитаты, афоризмы, статусы для социальных сетей. Мы собрали полный сборник высказываний всех народов мира и отсортировали его по соответствующим рубрикам. Вы можете свободно поделиться любой цитатой с нашего сайта в социальных сетях без предварительного уведомления администрации.