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Помогите пожалуйста PART 3 I.GRAMMAR Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences....

В 18:51 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

Вопрос вызвавший трудности

Помогите пожалуйста PART 3
Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My brother _____ Russian.
A speak B speaks C do speak
1 Where _____?
A you are going B you going C are you going
2 Do you think _____ tomorrow?
A it’s going to rain B it’s raining C it rains
3 _____ some friends this evening.
A I meet B I’m going meet C I’m meeting
4 Don’t worry. I’m sure you _____ your driving test.
A don’t fail B won’t fail C won’t to fail
5 Do you think _____?
A they’ll come B they come C they’ll will come
6 _____ I phone the restaurant and book a table?
A Will B Won’t C Shall
7 A:It’s very dark here. B: Yes. _____ the light.
A I’ll turn on B I’m turning on C I turn on
8 I broke my leg last month when I _____.
A skiied B was skiing C am skiing
9 I _____ in the evening. I’m too tired.
A never study B am never studying C study never
10 What _____ next Christmas?
A you will do B are you going to do C do you do
11 When are they _____ leave?
A going B going to C to
12 _____ we going by car or by bus?
A Do B Will C Are
13 I haven’t studied at all. I _____ pass the exam.
A won’t B will C am to
14 I _____ think she’ll like him. He’s not her type.
A won’t B am not C don’t
15 I’ll _____ my homework after supper, I promise.
A do B doing C to do
16 _____ I help you with the cooking?
A Will B Shall C Are
17 He’s very lazy. He never _____ any exercise.
A do B is doing C does
18 My cat _____ like milk. It only drinks water.
A does B doesn’t C didn’t
19 What _____ they doing when he took the photograph?
A are B did C were
20 What time _____ you get up this morning?
A did B do C were
a) Tick () the opposite of the verbs.
Example: pass (an exam)
A fail B take C do
1 teach (French)
A learn B read C do
2 leave (at six)
A miss B arrive C catch
3 catch (the bus)
A lose B miss C leave
4 forget (to pay)
A learn B fail C remember
5 find (your glasses)
A lose B miss C fail
6 buy (a house)
A leave B sell C get
7 borrow (money)
A lend B give C lose
8 pull (the door)
A open B push C leave
9 win (a match)
A lose B fail C pass
10 get (an email)
A turn off B receive C send
b) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
Example: I went toChicago two years ago.
A to B in C from
11 I’m looking _____ my keys. I can’t find them.
A at B for C after
12 We’re leaving on Friday and coming _____ on Sunday.
A forward to B back C after
13 I’m sorry, but I don’t agree _____ you.
A with B about C to
14 I wrote _____ Mike but he didn’t answer.
A for B about C to
15 Would you like to look _____ my holiday photos?
A at B after C for
16 That’s my pen. Give it _____!
A for B after C back
17 What do you think _____ his latest film?
A to B after C of
18 Shh! I’m listening _____ the radio.
A to B about C for
19 Did you speak _____ the boss yesterday?
A of B to C about
20 We never talk _____ politics. It’s boring.
A for B about C to
a) Which word has a different sound? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A van B tram C lane 
1 A bike B find C fish
2 A seeB leave C red
3 A think B smile C miss
4 A hereB turn C her
5 A push B school C good
b) Which is the stressed syllable? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A afternoon B afternoon C afternoon
6 A injection B injection C injection
7 A pessimist B pessimist C pessimist
8 A eternal B eternal C eternal
9 A probably B probably C probably
10 A positive B positive C positive
Total 50

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Помогите пожалуйста PART 3
Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My brother _____ Russian.
A speak B speaks C do speak
1 Where _____?
A you are going B you going C are you going
2 Do you think _____ tomorrow?
A it’s going to rain B it’s raining C it rains
3 _____ some friends this evening.
A I meet B I’m going meet C I’m meeting
4 Don’t worry. I’m sure you _____ your driving test.
A don’t fail B won’t fail C won’t to fail
5 Do you think _____?
A they’ll come B they come C they’ll will come
6 _____ I phone the restaurant and book a table?
A Will B Won’t C Shall
7 A:It’s very dark here. B: Yes. _____ the light.
A I’ll turn on B I’m turning on C I turn on
8 I broke my leg last month when I _____.
A skiied B was skiing C am skiing
9 I _____ in the evening. I’m too tired.
A never study B am never studying C study never
10 What _____ next Christmas?
A you will do B are you going to do C do you do
11 When are they _____ leave?
A going B going to C to
12 _____ we going by car or by bus?
A Do B Will C Are
13 I haven’t studied at all. I _____ pass the exam.
A won’t B will C am to
14 I _____ think she’ll like him. He’s not her type.
A won’t B am not C don’t
15 I’ll _____ my homework after supper, I promise.
A do B doing C to do
16 _____ I help you with the cooking?
A Will B Shall C Are
17 He’s very lazy. He never _____ any exercise.
A do B is doing C does
18 My cat _____ like milk. It only drinks water.
A does B doesn’t C didn’t
19 What _____ they doing when he took the photograph?
A are B did C were
20 What time _____ you get up this morning?
A did B do C were
a) Tick () the opposite of the verbs.
Example: pass (an exam)
A fail B take C do
1 teach (French)
A learn B read C do
2 leave (at six)
A miss B arrive C catch
3 catch (the bus)
A lose B miss C leave
4 forget (to pay)
A learn B fail C remember
5 find (your glasses)
A lose B miss C fail
6 buy (a house)
A leave B sell C get
7 borrow (money)
A lend B give C lose
8 pull (the door)
A open B push C leave
9 win (a match)
A lose B fail C pass
10 get (an email)
A turn off B receive C send
b) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
Example: I went toChicago two years ago.
A to B in C from
11 I’m looking _____ my keys. I can’t find them.
A at B for C after
12 We’re leaving on Friday and coming _____ on Sunday.
A forward to B back C after
13 I’m sorry, but I don’t agree _____ you.
A with B about C to
14 I wrote _____ Mike but he didn’t answer.
A for B about C to
15 Would you like to look _____ my holiday photos?
A at B after C for
16 That’s my pen. Give it _____!
A for B after C back
17 What do you think _____ his latest film?
A to B after C of
18 Shh! I’m listening _____ the radio.
A to B about C for
19 Did you speak _____ the boss yesterday?
A of B to C about
20 We never talk _____ politics. It’s boring.
A for B about C to
a) Which word has a different sound? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A van B tram C lane 
1 A bike B find C fish
2 A seeB leave C red
3 A think B smile C miss
4 A hereB turn C her
5 A push B school C good
b) Which is the stressed syllable? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A afternoon B afternoon C afternoon
6 A injection B injection C injection
7 A pessimist B pessimist C pessimist
8 A eternal B eternal C eternal
9 A probably B probably C probably
10 A positive B positive C positive
Total 50

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

1. c
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. b
9. a
10. b
11. b
12. c
13. a
14. c
15. a
16. b
17. c
18. b
19. c
20. b
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. b
8. a
10. b



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