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Переведите текст ** украинский Arthur Conan Doyle was born in the capital of Scotland,...

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Переведите текст на украинский Arthur Conan Doyle was born in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. His father, Charles E. Doyle, was an artist and architect by profession, but he worked as a clerk in an office. He died young and the Doyles were very poor.
Arthur’s mother was a very good storyteller and he remembered her fantastic stories all his life. The talent of story telling was inherited by Arthur from his mother and it helped him as a writer. During his school years he read much, and he often told his school friends long and interesting stories, getting cakes and sweets for that.
After leaving school Conan Doyle became a student of the medical faculty at the university of Edinburgh. In his third year of studies he went as a ship doctor to the Arctic and upon graduating from the university, he again went by ship to western Africa.
He began his medical practice in a small English town Southsea, where he spent eight years. In 1887, he published his first detective story “A study in Scarlet”. Its main characters were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, and they became the most popular characters of a great many of Conan Doyle’s stories.
“A scandal in Bohemia” opened a collection of detective stories under the title “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”. The story was published in 1891 and soon after that Baker Street became the well-known address of Sherlock Holmes.
The readers asked for more and more stories about Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle was writing them for two years. When he had written about twenty stories with Sherlock Holmes as the main detective, he was so tired of these stories that he decided to “kill” Sherlock Holmes. He wrote a story, which he named “Holmes’s last case” (1893). In this story Holmes was killed during his struggle with Professor Moriarty. The writer hoped that after that he could begin writing other books.
But the readers did not wish to lose their favourite character and ten years later the famous detective appeared again. In 1901-1902 one of Conan Doyle’s best stories “The hound of the Baskervilles” was published.
In 1891 Conan Doyle gave up his medical work and devoted all his time to his literary activity. He also travelled much. He visited Europe, the USA and Egypt. In Norway he met Jerome K. Jerome, who wrote about that fact in one of his books.
Beside detective stories, Conan Doyle also wrote historic novels, war books and an anticolonial book about the Belgian Congo. His two fantastic stories “The lost world” (1912) and “The Poisoned Belt” (1913) were quite successful.
All his life Conan Doyle liked sport; he skied, played golf and went in for boxing.
He died in 1930. After his death, the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, together with his friend Dr. Watson, continued to live on the pages of Conan Doyle’s books. They are among the favourite characters of English literature.
Tourists coming to London always go to visit Baker Street to see the house where Sherlock Holmes lived.

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Переведите текст на украинский Arthur Conan Doyle was born in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. His father, Charles E. Doyle, was an artist and architect by profession, but he worked as a clerk in an office. He died young and the Doyles were very poor.
Arthur’s mother was a very good storyteller and he remembered her fantastic stories all his life. The talent of story telling was inherited by Arthur from his mother and it helped him as a writer. During his school years he read much, and he often told his school friends long and interesting stories, getting cakes and sweets for that.
After leaving school Conan Doyle became a student of the medical faculty at the university of Edinburgh. In his third year of studies he went as a ship doctor to the Arctic and upon graduating from the university, he again went by ship to western Africa.
He began his medical practice in a small English town Southsea, where he spent eight years. In 1887, he published his first detective story “A study in Scarlet”. Its main characters were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, and they became the most popular characters of a great many of Conan Doyle’s stories.
“A scandal in Bohemia” opened a collection of detective stories under the title “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”. The story was published in 1891 and soon after that Baker Street became the well-known address of Sherlock Holmes.
The readers asked for more and more stories about Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle was writing them for two years. When he had written about twenty stories with Sherlock Holmes as the main detective, he was so tired of these stories that he decided to “kill” Sherlock Holmes. He wrote a story, which he named “Holmes’s last case” (1893). In this story Holmes was killed during his struggle with Professor Moriarty. The writer hoped that after that he could begin writing other books.
But the readers did not wish to lose their favourite character and ten years later the famous detective appeared again. In 1901-1902 one of Conan Doyle’s best stories “The hound of the Baskervilles” was published.
In 1891 Conan Doyle gave up his medical work and devoted all his time to his literary activity. He also travelled much. He visited Europe, the USA and Egypt. In Norway he met Jerome K. Jerome, who wrote about that fact in one of his books.
Beside detective stories, Conan Doyle also wrote historic novels, war books and an anticolonial book about the Belgian Congo. His two fantastic stories “The lost world” (1912) and “The Poisoned Belt” (1913) were quite successful.
All his life Conan Doyle liked sport; he skied, played golf and went in for boxing.
He died in 1930. After his death, the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, together with his friend Dr. Watson, continued to live on the pages of Conan Doyle’s books. They are among the favourite characters of English literature.
Tourists coming to London always go to visit Baker Street to see the house where Sherlock Holmes lived.

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Артур Конан Дойл народився в столиці Шотландії Единбурзі. Його батько Чарльз Е. Дойл, художник і архітектор за професією, але він працював клерком в офісі. Він помер молодим і Дойлс були дуже бідні. Мати Артура був дуже хорошим оповідачем, і він згадав її фантастичні розповіді все своє життя. Талант розповідати історії, успадкував від своєї матері Артур, і це допомогло його як письменника. У шкільні роки він багато читав, і він часто розповідав своїм шкільним друзям довгі і цікаві історії, отримуючи торти і солодощі за це. Після закінчення школи Конан Дойл стає студентом медичного факультету Единбурзького університету. У свій третій рік навчання він пішов, як доктор корабель в Арктику і після закінчення університету, він знову вирушив на кораблі в Західній Африці. Він почав свою медичну практику в невеликому англійському містечку Саутсі, де він провів вісім років. У 1887 році він опублікував свій перший детективний роман "етюд у багряних тонах". Її головними героями є Шерлок Холмс і доктор Ватсон, і вони стали найпопулярнішими героями багатьох оповідань Конан-Дойля. Відкрито "скандал в Богемії" збірник детективних оповідань під назвою "Пригоди Шерлока Холмса". Розповідь був опублікований в 1891 році і незабаром після цього Бейкер-стріт став відомим адресою Шерлока Холмса. Читачі просили все більше і більше історій про Шерлока Холмса Конан Дойл писав їх протягом двох років. Коли він написав близько двадцяти оповідань з Шерлоком Холмсом в якості головного детектива, він так втомився від цих історій, що він вирішив "вбити" Шерлока Холмса. Він написав розповідь, який він назвав "остання справа Холмса" (1893). У цій історії Холмс був убитий під час його боротьби з професором Моріарті. Письменник сподівається, що після цього він міг почати писати книги. Але читачі не бажають втратити своїх улюблених героїв і десять років потому знаменитий детектив знову з'явився. У 1901-1902 один з кращих оповідань Конан Дойля "собака Баскервілів" була опублікована. У 1891 році Конан Дойл залишив свою лікувальну роботу і присвятив весь свій час літературної діяльності. Він також багато подорожував. Він побував в Європі, США і Єгипет. У Норвегії він зустрів Джерома К. Джерома, який написав про цей факт в одній зі своїх книг. Поряд з детективи, Конан Дойль, також писав історичні романи, війни, книги і антиколоніальної книга про Бельгійське Конго. Два його фантастичних повістей "Загублений світ" (1912) та "отруєний пояс" (1913) були досить успішними. Все своє життя Конан Дойл любив спорт, він катався на лижах, грав у гольф і ходив на бокс. Він помер в 1930 році. Після його смерті, знаменитий сищик Шерлок Холмс разом зі своїм другом доктором Ватсоном продовжують жити на сторінках книг Конан Дойла. Вони є одним з найулюбленіших героїв англійської літератури. Туристи, які приїжджають в Лондон, завжди йдуть на Бейкер стріт, щоб побачити будинок, де жив Шерлок Холмс.



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