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1. Выберите правильный вариант.Задание 1.Greg said that ... a new job.- he will need- he...

В 9:40 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

Вопрос вызвавший трудности

1. Выберите правильный вариант.
Задание 1.Greg said that ... a new job.- he will need- he needed- would he need
Задание 2.Tim complained that he ... at four o’clock in the morning.- is working- will be working- was working
Задание 3.He said that he ... that film.- had already seen- has already seen- was seen
Задание 4.Anna explained to me that the hairdresser’s ... down the road.- is located- was located- locates
Задание 5.Charles said that he ... me the following day.- would have called- will call- would call
Задание 6.Bill asked me what ... for dinner the day before.- I have made- I had made- had I made
Задание 7.He said that If I ... Kathrin, she ... me.- ask / will help- have asked / would help- asked / would help
Задание 8.I was worried if ... enough space to buy a new TV set to my room.- I would have- would I have- I will have
Задание 9.Alex wondered if ... for the weekend at his place.- his sister will stay- his sister was going to stay- his sister is going to stay
Задание 10.I wasn’t sure if my purchases ... or not and I didn’t know whom to ask about it.- delivered- had been delivered- will be delivered
Задание 11.Ben asked him whether he ... a motorcycle.- could ride- can ride- will ride
Задание 12.The police officer ... the car.- orders to stopped- would order stopping- ordered him to stop
Задание 13.Pam asked him why he ... his job.- wanted to leaving- wants to leave- wanted to leave
Задание 14.He said the bus ... a little late that day.- will be- might be- can be
Задание 15.Pam ... to the cinema.- suggested going- suggests to go- suggested to go
Задание 16.It was very late, so I ... to bed.- say I am going- said I go- said I was going
Задание 17.He said the fire ... a lot of damage to the building.- had been doing- will do- had done
Задание 18.Simon was wrong when he said that Andrew ... to his new apartment the next day.- would have moved- would be moving- moved
Задание 19.She told him that he ... harder.- should study- will study- can study
Задание 20.He said that if he ... so quickly, the accident ... even worse.- had acted / would be- had been acting / would be- hadn’t acted / would have been
Задание 21.She told us that the new furniture ... the day before.- had been delivered- would be delivered- will be delivered
Задание 22.She was worried that her son ... very well that semester.- isn’t studying- wasn’t studying- doesn’t study
Задание 23.They warned us that the manager ... the office the following day.- will inspect- had inspect- would inspect
Задание 24.He ... the money he had earned.- demands- demanded to be given- demanded to have given
Задание 25.He admitted ... my secret.- having given away- to give away- have given
Задание 26.He claimed that he ... a prize.- had won- had been winning- will win
Задание 27.He complained that he ... enough money to buy such an expensive presents.- doesn’t earn- would not be earning- didn’t earn
Задание 28.Our teacher insisted on ... by Friday.- our finishing- our to finish- to finish
Задание 29.She explained that she ... him because he was rude.- liked- didn’t like- would like
Задание 30.He said that Tom was the best student he ... .a) was teachingb) would teachc) hadevertaught

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

1. Выберите правильный вариант.
Задание 1.Greg said that ... a new job.- he will need- he needed- would he need
Задание 2.Tim complained that he ... at four o’clock in the morning.- is working- will be working- was working
Задание 3.He said that he ... that film.- had already seen- has already seen- was seen
Задание 4.Anna explained to me that the hairdresser’s ... down the road.- is located- was located- locates
Задание 5.Charles said that he ... me the following day.- would have called- will call- would call
Задание 6.Bill asked me what ... for dinner the day before.- I have made- I had made- had I made
Задание 7.He said that If I ... Kathrin, she ... me.- ask / will help- have asked / would help- asked / would help
Задание 8.I was worried if ... enough space to buy a new TV set to my room.- I would have- would I have- I will have
Задание 9.Alex wondered if ... for the weekend at his place.- his sister will stay- his sister was going to stay- his sister is going to stay
Задание 10.I wasn’t sure if my purchases ... or not and I didn’t know whom to ask about it.- delivered- had been delivered- will be delivered
Задание 11.Ben asked him whether he ... a motorcycle.- could ride- can ride- will ride
Задание 12.The police officer ... the car.- orders to stopped- would order stopping- ordered him to stop
Задание 13.Pam asked him why he ... his job.- wanted to leaving- wants to leave- wanted to leave
Задание 14.He said the bus ... a little late that day.- will be- might be- can be
Задание 15.Pam ... to the cinema.- suggested going- suggests to go- suggested to go
Задание 16.It was very late, so I ... to bed.- say I am going- said I go- said I was going
Задание 17.He said the fire ... a lot of damage to the building.- had been doing- will do- had done
Задание 18.Simon was wrong when he said that Andrew ... to his new apartment the next day.- would have moved- would be moving- moved
Задание 19.She told him that he ... harder.- should study- will study- can study
Задание 20.He said that if he ... so quickly, the accident ... even worse.- had acted / would be- had been acting / would be- hadn’t acted / would have been
Задание 21.She told us that the new furniture ... the day before.- had been delivered- would be delivered- will be delivered
Задание 22.She was worried that her son ... very well that semester.- isn’t studying- wasn’t studying- doesn’t study
Задание 23.They warned us that the manager ... the office the following day.- will inspect- had inspect- would inspect
Задание 24.He ... the money he had earned.- demands- demanded to be given- demanded to have given
Задание 25.He admitted ... my secret.- having given away- to give away- have given
Задание 26.He claimed that he ... a prize.- had won- had been winning- will win
Задание 27.He complained that he ... enough money to buy such an expensive presents.- doesn’t earn- would not be earning- didn’t earn
Задание 28.Our teacher insisted on ... by Friday.- our finishing- our to finish- to finish
Задание 29.She explained that she ... him because he was rude.- liked- didn’t like- would like
Задание 30.He said that Tom was the best student he ... .a) was teachingb) would teachc) hadevertaught

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

Задание 1. Greg said that ... a new job.
- he needed
Задание 2. Tim complained that he ... at four o’clock in the morning.
- was working
Задание 3. He said that he ... that film.
- had already seen
Задание 4. Anna explained to me that the hairdresser’s ... down the road.
- was located
Задание 5. Charles said that he ... me the following day
-would call
Задание 6. Bill asked me what ... for dinner the day before.
- I had made
Задание 7. He said that If I ... Kathrin, she ... me.
- asked / would help
Задание 8. I was worried if ... enough space to buy a new TV set to my room.
- I would have
Задание 9. Alex wondered if ... for the weekend at his place.
- his sister was going to stay
Задание 10. I wasn’t sure if my purchases ... or not and I didn’t know whom to ask about it.
- had been delivered
Задание 11. Ben asked him whether he ... a motorcycle.
- could ride
Задание 12.The police officer ... the car.
- ordered him to stop
Задание 13. Pam asked him why he ... his job.
- wanted to leave
Задание 14. He said the bus ... a little late that day.
- might be
Задание 15. Pam ... to the cinema.
- suggested going
Задание 16. It was very late, so I ... to bed.
- said I was going
Задание 17. He said the fire ... a lot of damage to the building.
- had done
Задание 18. Simon was wrong when he said that Andrew ... to his new apartment the next day.
- would be moving
Задание 19. She told him that he ... harder.
- should study
Задание 20. He said that if he ... so quickly, the accident ... even worse.
- hadn’t acted / would have been
Задание 21. She told us that the new furniture ... the day before.
- had been delivered
Задание 22. She was worried that her son ... very well that semester.
- wasn’t studying
Задание 23. They warned us that the manager ... the office the following day.
- would inspect
Задание 24. He ... the money he had earned.
- demanded to be given
Задание 25. He admitted ... my secret.
- having given away
Задание 26. He claimed that he ... a prize.
- had won
Задание 27. He complained that he ... enough money to buy such an expensive presents.
- didn’t earn
Задание 28. Our teacher insisted on ... by Friday.
- our finishing
Задание 29. She explained that she ... him because he was rude.
- didn’t like
Задание 30. He said that Tom was the best student he ... .
- had ever taught



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Зачтено оказывает услуги помощи студентам с 1999 года. За все время деятельности мы выполнили более 400 тысяч работ. Написанные нами работы все были успешно защищены и сданы. К настоящему моменту наши офисы работают в 40 городах.


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Полезные статьи - раздел наполняется студенческой информацией, которая может помочь в сдаче экзаменов и сессий, а так же при написании различных учебных работ.

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