UCHEES.RU - помощь студентам и школьникам
В 21:15 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.
An unusual gallery.
1) It was a beautiful afternoon in the woods near the village of Montignac. The sky was blue and autumn leaves covered the ground. Four friends strolled happily among the tall trees, telling stories about treasures that people had hidden in the forest.
2) As they were walking, one of the boys fell over. When the others ran to help him, they saw that there was a hole in the ground. Could this be a tunnel with hidden treasures in it? The boys started to dig. trying to make the hole bigger so that they could climb in and have a look. By this time though, it was getting dark and they didn't have a torch, so they decided to come back early the next day.
3) They returned to the woods before school. One by one. the boys lit their torches and crawled into the small dark tunnel. After about ten minutes, the boy who was at the front let out a loud gasp. When he pointed his torch at the wall, everyone was amazed to see the walls covered with colourful pictures of horses, deer and oxen. The friends ran quickly to school and told their teacher all about their fantastic discovery. She called an expert who went immediately to examine the paintings.
4) Later that day, their teacher asked the boys to stay behind after school. They thought that they had done something wrong, but they were relieved when they saw their teacher's smiling face. The expert had confirmed that the boys were the first modern people to lay eyes upon the famous Lascaux paintings, which were at least 17,000 years old. They felt really proud.
To write a story, we first decide on the type of story, the plot and the main characters. Our story can be a comedy, an adventure, a fairy tale etc. We normally use past tenses in stories. In the first paragraph, we write when and where the event happened, who the main characters in the story were and what happened first. In the main body, we describe the events in the order they happened, leading to the climax event (the most important event). We normally use linking words >n as, wisile before etu to show the sequence of events. In the conclusion, we write what happened in the end and how the people in the story felt.
Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом: СОСТАВЬТЕ 10 ВОПРОСОВ,СРОЧНО!!!
An unusual gallery.
1) It was a beautiful afternoon in the woods near the village of Montignac. The sky was blue and autumn leaves covered the ground. Four friends strolled happily among the tall trees, telling stories about treasures that people had hidden in the forest.
2) As they were walking, one of the boys fell over. When the others ran to help him, they saw that there was a hole in the ground. Could this be a tunnel with hidden treasures in it? The boys started to dig. trying to make the hole bigger so that they could climb in and have a look. By this time though, it was getting dark and they didn't have a torch, so they decided to come back early the next day.
3) They returned to the woods before school. One by one. the boys lit their torches and crawled into the small dark tunnel. After about ten minutes, the boy who was at the front let out a loud gasp. When he pointed his torch at the wall, everyone was amazed to see the walls covered with colourful pictures of horses, deer and oxen. The friends ran quickly to school and told their teacher all about their fantastic discovery. She called an expert who went immediately to examine the paintings.
4) Later that day, their teacher asked the boys to stay behind after school. They thought that they had done something wrong, but they were relieved when they saw their teacher's smiling face. The expert had confirmed that the boys were the first modern people to lay eyes upon the famous Lascaux paintings, which were at least 17,000 years old. They felt really proud.
To write a story, we first decide on the type of story, the plot and the main characters. Our story can be a comedy, an adventure, a fairy tale etc. We normally use past tenses in stories. In the first paragraph, we write when and where the event happened, who the main characters in the story were and what happened first. In the main body, we describe the events in the order they happened, leading to the climax event (the most important event). We normally use linking words >n as, wisile before etu to show the sequence of events. In the conclusion, we write what happened in the end and how the people in the story felt.
После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:
1) How to close the wood to the village?
2) When boys atarte dig
3) When boys return to the woods?
4) What about talk boys their teacher?
5) What saw teacher's face?
6) What felt teacher?
больше не придумал.
Работы, которые я готовлю для студентов, преподаватели всегда оценивают на отлично. Я занимаюсь написанием студенческих работ уже более 4-х лет. За это время, мне еще ни разу не возвращали выполненную работу на доработку! Если вы желаете заказать у меня помощь оставьте заявку на этом сайте. Ознакомиться с отзывами моих клиентов можно на этой странице.
Тимофеева Диодора Станиславовна - автор студенческих работ, заработанная сумма за прошлый месяц 61 200 рублей. Её работа началась с того, что она просто откликнулась на эту вакансию
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Зачтено оказывает услуги помощи студентам с 1999 года. За все время деятельности мы выполнили более 400 тысяч работ. Написанные нами работы все были успешно защищены и сданы. К настоящему моменту наши офисы работают в 40 городах.
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