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Задать 5 типов вопросов к тексту Spectacular Canyon Lake is situated in the heart of the...

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Задать 5 типов вопросов к тексту
Spectacular Canyon Lake is situated in the heart of the Superstition
Mountains in Arizona, giving home to the Dolly Steamboat. The Dolly Steamboat,
continuing a tradition of cruising since 1925 , now cruises the secluded inner waterways of this beautiful
lake. It is worth exploring this favourite destination of President Theodore
Roosevelt who declared, “The Apache Trail and surrounding area combines the
grandeur of the Alps, the glory of the Rockies, the magnificence of the Grand
Canyon and then adds something that none of the others have .” You will marvel as you travel up to the national forest, which provides the most inspiring and beautiful
panorama that nature has ever created in the wild. Every trip brings new discoveries of rock formations, geological history, and the flora and fauna distinct to the deserts of
Arizona. Once aboard the Dolly Steamboat, you may view the majestic desert big
horn sheep, bald eagles and a host bird of other wildlife, water fowl,
hovering over the magnificent lake . Experience the unique sound harmony that is created by the waters of Canyon Lake. Stretch out and relax at one of the tables or stand next to the railings on the deck. There is plenty of leg room on the Dolly. You will get a unique chance to listen to the captain who retells the legends of the mysterious past. All the passengers are treated with outstanding service and personal attention to every need. Feel free to ask questions, move about and mingle with the crew. So enjoy an unforgettable vacation cruise and see for yourself why there is nothing quite like a ride on Arizona’s Dolly Steamboat.

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Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Задать 5 типов вопросов к тексту
Spectacular Canyon Lake is situated in the heart of the Superstition
Mountains in Arizona, giving home to the Dolly Steamboat. The Dolly Steamboat,
continuing a tradition of cruising since 1925 , now cruises the secluded inner waterways of this beautiful
lake. It is worth exploring this favourite destination of President Theodore
Roosevelt who declared, “The Apache Trail and surrounding area combines the
grandeur of the Alps, the glory of the Rockies, the magnificence of the Grand
Canyon and then adds something that none of the others have .” You will marvel as you travel up to the national forest, which provides the most inspiring and beautiful
panorama that nature has ever created in the wild. Every trip brings new discoveries of rock formations, geological history, and the flora and fauna distinct to the deserts of
Arizona. Once aboard the Dolly Steamboat, you may view the majestic desert big
horn sheep, bald eagles and a host bird of other wildlife, water fowl,
hovering over the magnificent lake . Experience the unique sound harmony that is created by the waters of Canyon Lake. Stretch out and relax at one of the tables or stand next to the railings on the deck. There is plenty of leg room on the Dolly. You will get a unique chance to listen to the captain who retells the legends of the mysterious past. All the passengers are treated with outstanding service and personal attention to every need. Feel free to ask questions, move about and mingle with the crew. So enjoy an unforgettable vacation cruise and see for yourself why there is nothing quite like a ride on Arizona’s Dolly Steamboat.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

1. Общий вопрос Is Spectacular Canyon Lake situated in the heart of the Superstition Mountains in Arizona?
2. Специальный вопрос Where is 
Spectacular Canyon Lake  situated ?
3. Альтернативный вопрос Does every trip bring awful experience or new discoveries? 
4. Вопрос с хвостиком  
There is plenty of leg room on the Dolly,  isn't there?



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