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Помогите перевести текст. Architecture the art of building in which human requirements...

В 20:32 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

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Помогите перевести текст. Architecture the art of building in which human requirements and construction materials are related so as to finish practical use as well as an aesthetic solution, thus differing from the pure utility of engineering construction.As an art, archeticture is essentially abstract and nonpresentational and involves the manipulation of the relationships of spaces,volumes,planes,masses,and voids.Time is also an important factor in architecture ,since a building is usually comprehended in a succesion of experiences rather than all at once. In most architecture there is no one vantage point from which the whole structure can be understood.The use of light and shadow,as well as surface decoration , can greatly enchance a structure. The analysis of building types provides an insight into past cultures and eras.Behind each of the greater styles lies not a casual trend nor a vogue,but a period of serious and urgent experimentation directed toward answering the needs of a specific way of life. Climate, methods of labor,available materials,and economy of means all impose their dictates.Each of the greater styles has been aided by the discovery of new consrtuction methods.Once developed,a method survices tenaciously,diving way only when social changes or new building techniques have reduced it.That evolutionary process is exemplified by the history of modern architecture ,which developed from the first uses of structural iron and steel in the mid 19th cent. Until the 20th. there were three great developments in architectural construction-the post and intel, or trabeated,system;the arch system,either the cohesive type,employing plastic materials harbening into a homogeneous mass,or the modern steel-skeleton system.In the 20th cent.new forms of building have been devised,with the use of reinforced concrete and the development of geodesic and stressed-skin (light material,reinforced) structures.See also articles under countries,e.g., American architecture;styles,e.g.,baroque;periods,e.g.,Gothic architecture and art;individual architects,e.g.,Andrea Palladio;individual stylistic and structural elements,e.g., tracery,orientation;specific building types,e.g.,pagoda,apartment house.

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Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Помогите перевести текст. Architecture the art of building in which human requirements and construction materials are related so as to finish practical use as well as an aesthetic solution, thus differing from the pure utility of engineering construction.As an art, archeticture is essentially abstract and nonpresentational and involves the manipulation of the relationships of spaces,volumes,planes,masses,and voids.Time is also an important factor in architecture ,since a building is usually comprehended in a succesion of experiences rather than all at once. In most architecture there is no one vantage point from which the whole structure can be understood.The use of light and shadow,as well as surface decoration , can greatly enchance a structure. The analysis of building types provides an insight into past cultures and eras.Behind each of the greater styles lies not a casual trend nor a vogue,but a period of serious and urgent experimentation directed toward answering the needs of a specific way of life. Climate, methods of labor,available materials,and economy of means all impose their dictates.Each of the greater styles has been aided by the discovery of new consrtuction methods.Once developed,a method survices tenaciously,diving way only when social changes or new building techniques have reduced it.That evolutionary process is exemplified by the history of modern architecture ,which developed from the first uses of structural iron and steel in the mid 19th cent. Until the 20th. there were three great developments in architectural construction-the post and intel, or trabeated,system;the arch system,either the cohesive type,employing plastic materials harbening into a homogeneous mass,or the modern steel-skeleton system.In the 20th cent.new forms of building have been devised,with the use of reinforced concrete and the development of geodesic and stressed-skin (light material,reinforced) structures.See also articles under countries,e.g., American architecture;styles,e.g.,baroque;periods,e.g.,Gothic architecture and art;individual architects,e.g.,Andrea Palladio;individual stylistic and structural elements,e.g., tracery,orientation;specific building types,e.g.,pagoda,apartment house.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

Архитектура-искусство строительства, в котором потребности человека и строительными материалами связаны с тем, чтобы закончить практического использования, а также эстетическое решение, таким образом, в отличие от чистого коммунальных инженерных сооружений.Как искусство, archeticture является, по сути, абстрактное и nonpresentational и включает в себя манипуляции из отношения площадей,объемов,плоскостей,масс и пустот.Время также является важным фактором в архитектуре ,так как здание обычно осмысляются в корону опытом, а не все сразу. В большинстве архитектуре существует не одна точка зрения, из которой вся структура может быть понята.Использование света и тени,а также отделки поверхности , могут значительно улучшить структуру. Анализ типов зданий дает представление о прошлых культур и эпох.За каждой из больших стилей лежит не случайный тренд, ни моде,но в период серьезных и неотложных экспериментов, направленных отвечая на потребности конкретного образа жизни. Климата, методов труда,материалов и экономию средств по всем навязывать свой диктат.Каждый из больших стилей способствовала открытию новых методов строительство.Разработанный метод survices цепко,дайвинг сторону только тогда, когда социальные изменения или новые строительные технологии снизили ее.Что эволюционный процесс на примере истории современной архитектуры ,которая развивалась с первого применения структурных чугуна и стали в середине 19-го века. До 20-го. там были три...

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