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Какова жизнь подростка в России ** англиском языке рассказ 6 класс срочно

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Какова жизнь подростка в России на англиском языке рассказ 6 класс срочно

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Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Какова жизнь подростка в России на англиском языке рассказ 6 класс срочно

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

Modern teenagers are greatly different from the previous generations. They are more independent, have another interests and more spacious mind, but they are far more lazy.


Most of these distinctions are caused by fast technical progress. Quite every teenager has a computer, a mobile phone and the internet access. On the one hand it is good, because they can find any information, it can be useful or not; any book or film can be found very easy and fast too. Moreover, the internet helps in studying and people from different countries or cities can communicate despite the distention between them. One the other hand, teenagers become more and more lazy, because they would better stay at home in front of computer than go somewhere. Also the big amount of information they have every day makes them indifferent to amazing things. The teenagers are not fascinated with the beauty of nature or art so much, because they have already seen it. The internet can show everythig from Van Gogh paintings to the polar light, so young people don’t need to travel or visit museums to see something unusual. As a result it is very difficult to surprise teenager, because the computer screen has already show and explain everything.

The internet is also affects the teenagers relationshios. Those young people who are shy or are afraid to introduce new people choose to make friend in the internet. There are a lot of social networks which have thousands of users, who spend hours chatting there. Sometimes instead of living the exciting and colorful life teenagers surf the net, communicate with unreal friends. Also a lot of young people play online games, which take a lot of time, they start to live in virtual world and forget about everything.

Despite the fact the young people are not very impressionable, they has some passions. The most popular and loved is music. Nowadays there is a wide variety of bands and kinds of music from reggae and pop music to techno and doom metal, so every teenager can find something he or she likes. A lot of teenagers prefer to communicate with those who have similar tastes in music, so the fist question when he or she meets unfamiliar person may be ‘What kind of music do you like?’. The music affects even the way the teenagers dress, as sometimes they try to copy the image of their favorite singers or musicians. Moreover, music gives young people the dream of being a rock star, so a lot of them learn to play musical instruments, especially guitars and sing. That’s why nowadays there are hundreds of garage bands, some of those will become successful one day.

Although the technic is very developed, there are a lot of teenagers who are intrested in handmade things and art. Nowadays it is very popular to create jewelleries, dolls, or clothes by yourself, also there are many tallented young people who take great pictures or draw painting using paints or special computer programmes. They upload their works to the internet, create their own web sites and sometimes become



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