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В 6:49 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

Вопрос вызвавший трудности


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Один заголовок - лишний. Каждую букву используйте
1. Gifted Children Always Become Famous
2. Awareness of Giftedness
3. Special Attitude is Required
4. Lack of Challenge May Cause Problem
5. Contrary to Popular Belief
6. Gifted Children Have no Support
7. Identifying the Gifted Child
8. Being Gifted Is not Always Easy

A. Gifted children’s behaviour differs from that of their age-mates. Many gifted children learn to read early, with better comprehension of the nuances of language. As much as half of the gifted and talented population has learned to read before entering school. They can work independently at an earlier age and can concentrate for longer periods. They like to learn new things, are willing to examine the unusual, and are highly inquisitive.

B. Being academically gifted is a topic laced with myths and fears, many of which are unfounded. Moreover, academically gifted children often face special problems. So do their parents. Schools treat those children differently from those whose talents lie in other areas, like music, art, and sports. Gifted children may also be learning disabled, or have another disability while being highly intelligent.

C. Social and emotional difficulties are not directly linked to giftedness. Rather, they result from a lack of understanding by the child of the nature of their intellectual difference. Parents and teachers don’t usually discuss this difference with them because of the concern that they may get a ‘swelled head’. The risk is that gifted children may view their differences as ‘weird’ or ‘bad’ or try to ignore or deny them.

D. Most of the athletes are allowed to develop their special skills at whatever rate best suits them. No one tries to stop them becoming much better baseball players or swimmers than their classmates. Yet if an academically gifted child tries to do two years of work in one, that’s viewed as potentially harmful. Much of the concern focuses on the non-academic areas of these gifted children’s development.

E. Researchers emphasize that for the vast majority of academically gifted children those concerns are groundless. In fact, these children are more likely to develop social and even academic problems if they don’t feel intellectually challenged. If gifted children don’t go to challenging programs, they may not learn how to learn. Eventually, in college or graduate school, they feel emotionally over-whelmed when they can’t just coast through their courses anymore.

F. Gifted children represent both a challenge and a resource for schools. Educators have a responsibility to provide programs to meet the educational needs of gifted students who are capable
of learning at advanced levels. Ideally, schools should have specifically trained teachers for gifted students to create a challenging and supportive learning environment for these children.

G. Gifted children are often view as ‘the smart ones’ who should know everything. Yet, being gifted does not mean they possess great abilities in every area. Albert Einstein was 4 years old before he spoke a word. Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade, and Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college. What do these three famous people have in common? In fact, they are all considered gifted, and in some cases, geniuses.

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Один заголовок - лишний. Каждую букву используйте
1. Gifted Children Always Become Famous
2. Awareness of Giftedness
3. Special Attitude is Required
4. Lack of Challenge May Cause Problem
5. Contrary to Popular Belief
6. Gifted Children Have no Support
7. Identifying the Gifted Child
8. Being Gifted Is not Always Easy

A. Gifted children’s behaviour differs from that of their age-mates. Many gifted children learn to read early, with better comprehension of the nuances of language. As much as half of the gifted and talented population has learned to read before entering school. They can work independently at an earlier age and can concentrate for longer periods. They like to learn new things, are willing to examine the unusual, and are highly inquisitive.

B. Being academically gifted is a topic laced with myths and fears, many of which are unfounded. Moreover, academically gifted children often face special problems. So do their parents. Schools treat those children differently from those whose talents lie in other areas, like music, art, and sports. Gifted children may also be learning disabled, or have another disability while being highly intelligent.

C. Social and emotional difficulties are not directly linked to giftedness. Rather, they result from a lack of understanding by the child of the nature of their intellectual difference. Parents and teachers don’t usually discuss this difference with them because of the concern that they may get a ‘swelled head’. The risk is that gifted children may view their differences as ‘weird’ or ‘bad’ or try to ignore or deny them.

D. Most of the athletes are allowed to develop their special skills at whatever rate best suits them. No one tries to stop them becoming much better baseball players or swimmers than their classmates. Yet if an academically gifted child tries to do two years of work in one, that’s viewed as potentially harmful. Much of the concern focuses on the non-academic areas of these gifted children’s development.

E. Researchers emphasize that for the vast majority of academically gifted children those concerns are groundless. In fact, these children are more likely to develop social and even academic problems if they don’t feel intellectually challenged. If gifted children don’t go to challenging programs, they may not learn how to learn. Eventually, in college or graduate school, they feel emotionally over-whelmed when they can’t just coast through their courses anymore.

F. Gifted children represent both a challenge and a resource for schools. Educators have a responsibility to provide programs to meet the educational needs of gifted students who are capable
of learning at advanced levels. Ideally, schools should have specifically trained teachers for gifted students to create a challenging and supportive learning environment for these children.

G. Gifted children are often view as ‘the smart ones’ who should know everything. Yet, being gifted does not mean they possess great abilities in every area. Albert Einstein was 4 years old before he spoke a word. Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade, and Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college. What do these three famous people have in common? In fact, they are all considered gifted, and in some cases, geniuses.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

7A, 8B, 3F, 6D, 4E, 2C, 5G



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