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Придумать сказочное животное.назвать его и рассказать о нём.** английском с переводом **...

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Придумать сказочное животное.назвать его и рассказать о нём.на английском с переводом на русский

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Придумать сказочное животное.назвать его и рассказать о нём.на английском с переводом на русский

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ВОТ!-Gryphon· monstrous birds with eagle's head and a lion's body. 
From their shouting flowers wither and gohnet grass, and all living beings 
fall lifeless. The eyes of the Gryphon with a Golden shimmer. 
Head size resembled the head of a wolf with a huge 
wicked-looking beak to feet long, 
wings with a strange second joint, to 
them easier to fold. 

Griffins · "dogs of Zeus" - guard the gold in the country of the Hyperboreans, 
treasures of the Riphean mountains, guarding them from one-eyed arimaspi 
(Aeschylus "Prometheus bound", 803 trail. ) 
Among the fantastic inhabitants of the North - issedonians, arimaspi, Hyperboreans, 
Herodotus mentions and griffins (Herodot, IV. 13) 

Also these monstrous fast birds harnessed to the chariot of Nemezida, 
that symbolizes the speed of retribution for sins. 

Griffin in Greek mythology personified insightful 
and vigilant power. 

Griffin - in Greek mythology, looked like palolem- 
malware with a snake tail. His image was a symbol of domination 
above the earth-the lion and the eagle. 

The symbolism of this mythical animal is associated with the image of the Sun, 
because both the lion and the eagle in the myths always inseparably connected with it. 

Besides the lion and the eagle are associated with mythological motifs - 
speed-the eagle and courage-lion. 

The functional purpose of the Griffin - protection, we often see him 
in the form of guards. In this he is similar to the image of a dragon. As a rule, 
guarding the treasure, or some secret knowledge. 

According to one of the researchers, conservation of precious stones 
and metals, symbolizing the sacred beginning in the ancient world, 
corresponds to the protection paths to immortality. 

Griffin can be seen in Egyptian mythology. 
Combining the lion (the king) and the Falcon (the symbol of Horus) - 
this creature can be traced throughout the existence 
Egyptian civilization in the old and Middle Kingdom 
he is the symbol of a victorious king, walking over the corpses of enemies. 

Boris Vallejo - Gryphon and Egyptian Janice 

Griffin probably has Oriental roots, 
because along with other fabulous animals, he guarded the gold of India. 

Flavius philostrates talked about the fact that the griffins are harnessed to the chariot 
The sun and they actually live in India. 

Boris Vallejo - Gryphon 

Griffin we see the ancient Sumerians in the myth of Lugalbanda 
in the form of a huge bird - Anzug 

This bird had a lion's head. 
Depicted hunting deer or other animals. 
Bird served as an intermediary between heaven and 
the earthly world, the gods and the people. 

Boris Vallejo - Anzug 

The image of the Griffin is closely linked to the image of Christ. 

Isidore of Seville says that Christ is the lion - 
because he controls and has the power, and the eagle - because 
after the death of his Christ ascended into heaven. 

Dante Sprague Griffin in the Church triumphant chariot. 
One part of the Griffin-eagle - gold, the other-lion - scarlet and white. 
So, perhaps, is passed to the connection in the form of a divine 
and the human being. 

Some researchers suggest that the Gryphon 
is a symbol of the Pope, fulfilling the divine 
the will of the Lord on earth.



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