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В 10:23 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

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1. With money supply (to grow) relatively slowly (much less than four or five percent per year), this (to interpret) as a result of a tight monetary policy. A relatively rapid growth in the money supply (to consider) (to be) a result of an easy policy.

2. The difference between the real rate of interest and the nominal one is that the former (to adjust) for inflation whereas the latter (not to be).

3. A great number of people (cannot) (to increase) their wages rapidly and largely enough (to compensate) for price increases because they (to work) under long-term contracts.

4. Lenders (to be likely) (to hurt) by inflation.

5. A two-percent increase in the rate of inflation (to find) (to cause) a reduction in the real income of elderly households by about 10 percent.

6. In periods of inflation the value of money (to know) (to reduce).

7. Good results (to know) (to achieve) in Soviet economy during the early 1960s due to (to decentralize) decision-making and emphasis on profit rather than carrying out plans.

8. For the past fifty years, the price level in the United States (to move) only one way - up. In practically all years during this period, prices (to rise). Since 1955, there (not to be) any year when the price level (tofait). This (not to be) a hyperinflation, but it (to result) in a very large erosion in the value of the dollar. Like a beach slowly (to wear) away by the ocean, the dollar (to lose) gradually a considerable share of its value. Prices now (to be) over five times what they (to be) fifty years ago. Although a creeping (ползучая) inflation (to be) much less harmful than hyperinflation, it (to have) a number of social costs.

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Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме.

1. With money supply (to grow) relatively slowly (much less than four or five percent per year), this (to interpret) as a result of a tight monetary policy. A relatively rapid growth in the money supply (to consider) (to be) a result of an easy policy.

2. The difference between the real rate of interest and the nominal one is that the former (to adjust) for inflation whereas the latter (not to be).

3. A great number of people (cannot) (to increase) their wages rapidly and largely enough (to compensate) for price increases because they (to work) under long-term contracts.

4. Lenders (to be likely) (to hurt) by inflation.

5. A two-percent increase in the rate of inflation (to find) (to cause) a reduction in the real income of elderly households by about 10 percent.

6. In periods of inflation the value of money (to know) (to reduce).

7. Good results (to know) (to achieve) in Soviet economy during the early 1960s due to (to decentralize) decision-making and emphasis on profit rather than carrying out plans.

8. For the past fifty years, the price level in the United States (to move) only one way - up. In practically all years during this period, prices (to rise). Since 1955, there (not to be) any year when the price level (tofait). This (not to be) a hyperinflation, but it (to result) in a very large erosion in the value of the dollar. Like a beach slowly (to wear) away by the ocean, the dollar (to lose) gradually a considerable share of its value. Prices now (to be) over five times what they (to be) fifty years ago. Although a creeping (ползучая) inflation (to be) much less harmful than hyperinflation, it (to have) a number of social costs.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

1. With money supply (growing) relatively slowly (much less than four or five percent per year), this (is interpreted) as a result of a tight monetary policy. A relatively rapid growth in the money supply (is considered to be) a result of an easy policy.
2. The difference between the real rate of interest and the nominal one is that the former (is adjusted) for inflation whereas the latter (is not).
3. A great number of people (cannot increase) their wages rapidly and largely enough (to compensate) for price increases because they (work) under long-term contracts.
4. Lenders (are likely to be hurt) by inflation.
5. A two-percent increase in the rate of inflation (is found to have caused) a reduction in the real income of elderly households by about 10 percent.
6. In periods of inflation the value of money (to know) (to reduce).
7. Good results (are known to have been achieved) in Soviet economy during the early 1960s due to (decentralized) decision-making and emphasis on profit rather than carrying out plans.
8. For the past fifty years, the price level in the United States (has been  moving) only one way - up. In practically all years during this period, prices (have been rising). Since 1955, there (has not been) any year when the price level (was falling). This (was not ) a hyperinflation, but it (resulted) in a very large erosion in the value of the dollar. Like a beach is slowly (worn) away by the ocean, the dollar (was) gradually losing a considerable share of its value. Prices now (are) over five times what they (were) fifty years ago. Although a creeping inflation (is) much less harmful than hyperinflation, it (has) a number of social costs.



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