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Around the world in 80 days,пересказ текста We start for Dover and Calais in ten...

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Around the world in 80 days,пересказ текста
We start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes." A puzzled grin spread across the valet's round lace. Clearly he had not understood. "Monsieur is going to leave 5 home?" enquired Passepartout.
"Yes," returned Phileas Fogg. "We are off around the world!"
The valet's eyes opened wider as he raised his eyebrows and held up his hands in 10 astonishment. Around the world?"
"Yes, indeed, my good man, in only eighty days," answered Mr Fogg, "so we have not a moment to lose."
"But the cases, what about the cases?" asked 15 Passepartout in despair, shaking his head.
"We will have no cases; only a carpet bag, with two shirts and three pairs of stockings for me and the same for you. We will buy clothes on the way. Bring my mackintosh, travelling cloak and some stout shoes, when he noticed his five friends from the club." Passepartout tried to respond in some way but seemed unable to do so. He went to his room and collapsed into a chair complaining, "That's good, that is, when all I wanted was a quiet life!"
He immediately began to prepare for their departure. Around the world in eighty days indeed! Was this all just a joke? First heading for Dover and then Calais? Perhaps it was not such a bad plan after all as Passepartout, who had been away from France for a number of years, would certainly not be sorry to set foot on his native soil once again. Perhaps they would travel as far as Paris, which would almost certainly do his eyes good.
By eight o'clock Passepartout had packed the carpet bag with clothing for his master and himself. Then, still troubled by the shock of it all, he 35 carefully shut the door of his room and went to find Mr Fogg, who was indeed all ready and prepared. Under his arm Passepartout could see a red copy of Bradshaw's Continental Railway, Steam Transit and General Guide, with its timetables showing the arrivals and departures of 40 trains and steamers. The master took the carpet bag, opened it, and slipped a good number of Bank of England notes into it in order to have no problems wherever they might go.
"You have forgotten nothing?" asked Mr Fogg. "Absolutely nothing, monsieur."
"My mackintosh and cloak?"
"Here you are, monsieur."
"Good! Take this carpet bag and take good care of it, for there are twenty thousand pounds in it."
Passepartout almost dropped the bag at that point, as if the twenty thousand pounds were in gold and weighed him down.
Master and valet then descended to the street where they took a cab and were driven quickly to Charing Cross. The cab pulled up before the railway station at twenty minutes past eight. Passepartout followed his master, who, after paying the cabman, was about to enter the station when a poor woman with a child in arms and bare feet covered with mud came up to him and pleaded for money.
Mr Fogg took out the twenty guineas he had won previously while playing cards with friends at the gentlemen's club he often went to and handed them to the woman. "Here you are, my good woman, and I'm so glad to have met you."
A tear welled up in the valet's eyes; his master's action had so touched his heart.
Mr Fogg purchased two first-class tickets for Paris and was just crossing the station to the train though we shall be doing little walking I believe
"Well, gentlemen," he said, "I'm off and you will be able to check my passport on my return and see whether I have made the journey we agreed upon."
"Oh, that will be quite unnecessary, Mr Fogg," said Ralph politely. "We trust your word as a gentleman.
"You do have in mind the date you are due back in London, don't you?" checked Stuart.
"In eighty days - on Saturday 21st December, 1872, at a quarter before nine pm. Never fear, gentlemen, and goodbye until then.

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Around the world in 80 days,пересказ текста
We start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes." A puzzled grin spread across the valet's round lace. Clearly he had not understood. "Monsieur is going to leave 5 home?" enquired Passepartout.
"Yes," returned Phileas Fogg. "We are off around the world!"
The valet's eyes opened wider as he raised his eyebrows and held up his hands in 10 astonishment. Around the world?"
"Yes, indeed, my good man, in only eighty days," answered Mr Fogg, "so we have not a moment to lose."
"But the cases, what about the cases?" asked 15 Passepartout in despair, shaking his head.
"We will have no cases; only a carpet bag, with two shirts and three pairs of stockings for me and the same for you. We will buy clothes on the way. Bring my mackintosh, travelling cloak and some stout shoes, when he noticed his five friends from the club." Passepartout tried to respond in some way but seemed unable to do so. He went to his room and collapsed into a chair complaining, "That's good, that is, when all I wanted was a quiet life!"
He immediately began to prepare for their departure. Around the world in eighty days indeed! Was this all just a joke? First heading for Dover and then Calais? Perhaps it was not such a bad plan after all as Passepartout, who had been away from France for a number of years, would certainly not be sorry to set foot on his native soil once again. Perhaps they would travel as far as Paris, which would almost certainly do his eyes good.
By eight o'clock Passepartout had packed the carpet bag with clothing for his master and himself. Then, still troubled by the shock of it all, he 35 carefully shut the door of his room and went to find Mr Fogg, who was indeed all ready and prepared. Under his arm Passepartout could see a red copy of Bradshaw's Continental Railway, Steam Transit and General Guide, with its timetables showing the arrivals and departures of 40 trains and steamers. The master took the carpet bag, opened it, and slipped a good number of Bank of England notes into it in order to have no problems wherever they might go.
"You have forgotten nothing?" asked Mr Fogg. "Absolutely nothing, monsieur."
"My mackintosh and cloak?"
"Here you are, monsieur."
"Good! Take this carpet bag and take good care of it, for there are twenty thousand pounds in it."
Passepartout almost dropped the bag at that point, as if the twenty thousand pounds were in gold and weighed him down.
Master and valet then descended to the street where they took a cab and were driven quickly to Charing Cross. The cab pulled up before the railway station at twenty minutes past eight. Passepartout followed his master, who, after paying the cabman, was about to enter the station when a poor woman with a child in arms and bare feet covered with mud came up to him and pleaded for money.
Mr Fogg took out the twenty guineas he had won previously while playing cards with friends at the gentlemen's club he often went to and handed them to the woman. "Here you are, my good woman, and I'm so glad to have met you."
A tear welled up in the valet's eyes; his master's action had so touched his heart.
Mr Fogg purchased two first-class tickets for Paris and was just crossing the station to the train though we shall be doing little walking I believe
"Well, gentlemen," he said, "I'm off and you will be able to check my passport on my return and see whether I have made the journey we agreed upon."
"Oh, that will be quite unnecessary, Mr Fogg," said Ralph politely. "We trust your word as a gentleman.
"You do have in mind the date you are due back in London, don't you?" checked Stuart.
"In eighty days - on Saturday 21st December, 1872, at a quarter before nine pm. Never fear, gentlemen, and goodbye until then.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

Вокруг света за 80 дней,пересказ текстаМы отправляемся в Дувр и Кале через десять минут". Недоумением ухмылка распространилась по всей круглый кружевной парковщик. Очевидно, он не понял. "Месье собирается покинуть 5 дома?" спросил паспарту."Да," ответил Филеас Фогг. "Мы по всему миру!"Глаза камердинера открылись шире, когда он поднял брови и поднял руки в 10 изумление. Во всем мире?""Да, действительно, добрый человек, только в восемьдесят дней" ответил МР Фогг "так что мы не должны терять ни минуты.""Но случаи, о каких случаях?" - 15 спросил паспарту в отчаянии, качая головой."Мы не будем иметь дела; только саквояж, с двумя рубашками и тремя парами чулок для меня и то же самое для вас. Мы будем покупать одежду по пути. Принесите мой Макинтош, некоторые крепкие дорожную мантию и ботинки, когда он заметил своих пятерых друзей из клуба". Паспарту попытался ответить в некотором роде, но, казалось не в состоянии сделать так. Он пошел в свою комнату и рухнул в кресло, жалуясь: "это хорошо, что есть, когда все, что я хотел спокойной жизни!"Он сразу же начал готовиться к их отъезду. Вокруг света в восемьдесят дней в самом деле! Это была всего лишь шутка? Первый курс на Дувр и затем Кале? Возможно, это был не такой уж плохой план, ведь, как паспарту, который был далеко от Франции в течение ряда лет, безусловно, не жалко ступить на родную землю еще раз. Возможно, они будут путешествовать так далеко, как Париж, который почти наверняка сделает его добрые глаза.К восьми часам паспарту уложил ковер сумку с одеждой для своего хозяина и его самого. Затем, все еще пребывая в шоке от всего этого, он 35 тщательно запер дверь своей комнаты и отправился на поиски мистера Фогга, который был действительно готов и подготовлен. Под его рукой паспарту мог видеть красную копию Континентальный Железнодорожный Брэдшоу, и пароходный справочник и путеводитель, с его графиками, показывающие прибытия и отбытия 40 поездов и пароходов. Мастер взял саквояж, открыл его и подсунул большое количество банковых билетов в него для того, чтобы не было проблем, куда бы они могли пойти."Вы ничего не забыли?" спросил мистер Фогг. "Абсолютно ничего, месье"."Мой плащ и одеяло?""Вот вы, месье"."Хорошо! Возьмем этот мешок ковер и заботиться о нем, потому что есть двадцать тысяч фунтов в ней".Паспарту чуть не выронил сумку в тот момент, как если бы двадцать тысяч фунтов были золотыми и взвешивают его.Затем Мастер и камердинер спустились на улицу, где они взяли такси и сгоняли быстро Чаринг-Кросс. Такси не остановилось перед железнодорожной станцией в двадцать минут девятого. Паспарту последовал за своим хозяином, который, заплатив извозчику, собирался войти станции, когда бедная женщина с ребенком на руках и босые ноги покрытые грязью подошла к нему и просил денег.Г-н Фогг вынул двадцать гиней, что он выиграл в то время как ранее играл в карты с друзьями в клуб джентльменов он часто ходил и протянул их женщине. "Ты Вот, моя хорошая женщина, и я так рад, что встретил тебя."Слезы навернулись на глаза камердинера; действия своего хозяина так тронули его сердце.Г-н Фогг приобрел два билета первого класса в Париже и был просто пересечение вокзал к поезду, хотя мы будем делать небольшой ходьбы я считаю "Ну что ж, господа, - сказал он, - я ухожу, и вы сможете проверить мой паспорт по моему возвращению и убедиться, что я совершил путешествие, о котором мы договорились.""О, это будет совершенно ненужным, г-н Фогг", сказал Ральф вежливо. "Мы доверяем вашему слову джентльмена."Вы имеете в виду даты, когда вы должны вернуться в Лондон, не так ли?" проверил Стюарт."В восемьдесят дней - в субботу 21 декабря 1872, за четверть до девяти вечера. Не бойтесь, Господа, и до свидания до тех пор.



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