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Рассказ об городе Гродно ** английском языке.

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Рассказ об городе Гродно на английском языке.

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Рассказ об городе Гродно на английском языке.

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In a city with such a rich historical heritage, as Grodno, can not be born urban legend. Probably the most famous myth in the modern history of Grodno is a story about the homeless, allegedly living in the tank-monument in the heart of the city, between the Soviet area, and drama. The legend appeared at the end of the last century through the efforts of one of the journalists, who in the summer season, when nothing interesting usually happens, came up with such a "sensation". Violent fantasy cost the journalist work, but the "duck" was tenacious – many still repeat this legend. There is only one "but" related to the design of the tank, the hatch welded shut, so it is impossible to get inside. Many store visitors and tourists are confident that the building of the anatomy building on the corner of Sovetskaya square and streets Marx was the first in Eastern Europe anatomical dissection – dissected body of king Stefan Batory. In fact, to the Batory today's housing medical University is irrelevant, as the autopsy was held in the building opposite, on the other hand today's Soviet area.Now there is the Soviet House of culture, but even before the war Among the Grodno long the story goes that the House of culture, built on the site of this Batareevka", allegedly built with a serious mistake. It's all in the rear facade, facing the House of life, — it seems many beautiful main emerging in the Soviet area. Hence the legend that the building is built "backwards".Buried Stalino times of Stalinism in Grodno put not one monument to the leader. One of them in the early 50's was on the site of today's bust of Marshal Sokolovsky, next to the house on Sovetskaya street, 8. According to urban legend, the dismantling of the monument was very original monument just threw in dug in advance the hole and quickly buried on the spot. So, there it is "buried" and is still. They also say that another Stalin monument lies at the bottom of the Neman.Underground jodidio allegedly existing in the center of Grodno underground passages, the conversations are very long. According to one version of the course exists from prison (the former Jesuit monastery) in the parish Church or somewhere on the territory of modern Soviet area. The other passages are connected to all the main churches in the city: the Cathedral, Bernardine, and not preserved Headlight Vytautas and monastery on the site of the drama. Another version says that an underground passage connects the two banks of the Niemen. Evidence of the existence of no such move. The legend could arise when someone in the postwar period came in the cellars of non-preserved old houses.
I'm sure many know Grodno and other urban legends. Looking forward to your stories in the comments under the material.there was rebuilt the Castle yard is a three – storey residence, where from the castle moved the body of the king. There was held an autopsy. The confusion has arisen because of an error of the Polish historian, who mistook built Bathory stone Faro Vytautas and later parish Church.



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