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Напишите ** английском рассказ про тадж махал

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Напишите на английском рассказ про тадж махал

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Напишите на английском рассказ про тадж махал

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The Taj Mahal was built on a plot of land to the south of the surrounded by fortress wall of Agra. Shah Jahan exchanged this site, belonging to the Maharajah Jai Singh I, to a large palace in the center of Agra . The area of ​​about three acres (1.2 hectares) was dug up, the soil was replaced to reduce infiltration, the level of the site was raised 50 meters above the river bank level. At the site of the mausoleum, the wells were dug, which, filled with rubble stone, formed the foundations of the structure. Instead of scaffolding from the bandaged bamboo, large-scale scaffolding of brick was erected, which surrounded the tomb. They were so impressive in size that the masters, the construction supervisors, feared that disassembling them could take years. According to the legend, Shah Jahan announced that anyone can take and leave as many bricks as he likes, and the forests were dismantled by peasants almost overnight.
To transport marble and other materials to the construction site, a fifteen-kilometer ramp was built from rammed ground, and thirty bulls were dragged block by block to the construction site on special designed wagons. A carefully designed volumetric frame structure with blocks was used to raise the blocks to the required level. Water for construction needs was extracted from the river by means of a rope-bucket system using animal power and merged into a large reservoir, from where it rose into a distribution tank. From there it was distributed over three auxiliary tanks and transported to the building complex through pipes.
The construction of the tomb and the platform took about twelve years. The remaining parts of the complex were built for another ten years, and consecutively completed: minarets, mosques, jawabs, the Great Gate. Since the construction was carried out in stages, there are different points of view about what can be considered the completion of the construction of the Taj Mahal. For example, the mausoleum itself was completed by 1643, but after this work continued on the remainder of the complex.
Estimates of the cost of construction are very different due to the complexity of accounting prices many centuries ago. Approximately the total cost of construction at that time was about thirty-two million rupees 
Materials for the construction of the Taj Mahal were delivered from all over India and from many places in Asia, for their transportation more than a thousand elephants were used. A translucent white marble was brought from the Makran, Rajasthan, jasper was brought from the Punjab, greed and crystals from China. Turquoise was transported from Tibet, and lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, while sapphires were brought from the island of Sri Lanka, and carneol from Arabia. In all, twenty-eight types of precious and semi-precious stones were encrusted in white marble.
Twenty thousand workers, gathered throughout northern India, worked at the construction site. Among the group of thirty-seven people responsible for the artistic image of the complex were sculptors from Bukhara, calligraphers from Syria and Persia, masters of inlay from southern India, stone masons from Balochistan, as well as a specialist in the construction of towers and a master for cutting marble ornaments. Some of the builders of the Taj Mahal:
Ismail Afandi (Ismail Khan) of the Ottoman Empire is a Turkish architect, designer of the main building. Ustad Isa (Isa Muhammad Effendi) from Persia is a Persian architect, a disciple of Sinan, he is often called the main creator of the architectural image of the monument. Puru from Benarous, Persia - is mentioned as a supervising architect. Kazim Khan, a native of Lahore, cast the golden end of the spire.Chiranjilal, a stone carver from Delhi - the main sculptor and mosaic specialist.Amanat Khan of Shiraz, Iran is the chief calligrapher. Muhammad Hanif is the chief of the masons.



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