UCHEES.RU - помощь студентам и школьникам

Ответьте, пожалуйста, ** вопросы к тексту:) COMPUTER LITERACY Informed citizens of our...

В 6:52 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

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Informed citizens of our information-dependent society shoud be computer-literate, which means that they should be able touse computers as everyday problem-solvingdevices. They should be aware of the potential of computers to influence the quality of life.

There was a time when only priviliged people had an opportunity to learn the basics, called the three R's: reading, writing, and arithmetics. Now, as we are quickly becoming an information-becoming society, it is time to restate this right as the right to learn reading, writing and computing. There is little doubt that computers and their many applications are among the most significant technical achievements of the century. They bring with them both economic and social changes. «Computing» is a concept that embraces not only the old third R, arithmetics, but also a new idea — computer literacy.

In an information society a person who is computer-literate need not be an expert on the design of computers. He needn't even know much about how to prepare programs which are the instructions that direct the operations of computers. All of us are already on the way to becoming computer-literate. Just think of your everyday life. If you receive a subscription magazine in the post-office, it is probably addressed to you by a computer. If you buy something with a bank credit card or pay a bill by check, computers help you process the information. When you check out at the counter of your store, a computerassists the checkout clerk and the store manager. When you visit your doctor, your schedules and bills and special services, such as laboratory tests, are prepared by computer. Many actions that you have taken or observed have much in common. Each relates tosome aspect of a data processingsystem.

Просмотрите текст 1 еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.

1.What does «a computer-literate person» mean? 2. Areyou aware of the potential of computers to influence your life? 3. What do the people mean by «the basics»? 4. Whatis the role of computers in oursociety? 5. What is «computing'? 6. What is a program? 7. Prove that we all are on the way to becoming computer-literate. 8. Give examples of using computers in everyday life.

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Ответьте, пожалуйста, на вопросы к тексту:)

Informed citizens of our information-dependent society shoud be computer-literate, which means that they should be able touse computers as everyday problem-solvingdevices. They should be aware of the potential of computers to influence the quality of life.

There was a time when only priviliged people had an opportunity to learn the basics, called the three R's: reading, writing, and arithmetics. Now, as we are quickly becoming an information-becoming society, it is time to restate this right as the right to learn reading, writing and computing. There is little doubt that computers and their many applications are among the most significant technical achievements of the century. They bring with them both economic and social changes. «Computing» is a concept that embraces not only the old third R, arithmetics, but also a new idea — computer literacy.

In an information society a person who is computer-literate need not be an expert on the design of computers. He needn't even know much about how to prepare programs which are the instructions that direct the operations of computers. All of us are already on the way to becoming computer-literate. Just think of your everyday life. If you receive a subscription magazine in the post-office, it is probably addressed to you by a computer. If you buy something with a bank credit card or pay a bill by check, computers help you process the information. When you check out at the counter of your store, a computerassists the checkout clerk and the store manager. When you visit your doctor, your schedules and bills and special services, such as laboratory tests, are prepared by computer. Many actions that you have taken or observed have much in common. Each relates tosome aspect of a data processingsystem.

Просмотрите текст 1 еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.

1.What does «a computer-literate person» mean? 2. Areyou aware of the potential of computers to influence your life? 3. What do the people mean by «the basics»? 4. Whatis the role of computers in oursociety? 5. What is «computing'? 6. What is a program? 7. Prove that we all are on the way to becoming computer-literate. 8. Give examples of using computers in everyday life.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

1. «A computer-literate person» is a person who is able to use computers as everyday problem-solvingdevices.
2. Yes, I am aware of the potential of computers to influence my life.
3. By «the basics» people mean the three R's: reading, writing, and arithmetics.
4. Computers and their many applications are among the most significant technical achievements of the century. They bring with them both economic and social changes.
5. «Computing» is a concept that embraces in the basics not only the old third R, arithmetics, but also a new idea — computer literacy.
6. A program is a set of instructions that direct the operations of computers.
7. All of us are already on the way to becoming computer-literate. Many actions that we take or observe relate to some aspect of a data processing system.
8. Computers are used in everyday life. If someone receives a subscription magazine in the post-office, it is probably addressed to him by a computer. If someone buys something with a bank credit card or pay a bill by check, computers help him process the information. When someone checks out at the counter of a store, a computer assists the checkout clerk and the store manager. When someone visits his doctor, his schedules and bills and special services, such as laboratory tests, are prepared by computer.



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Зачтено оказывает услуги помощи студентам с 1999 года. За все время деятельности мы выполнили более 400 тысяч работ. Написанные нами работы все были успешно защищены и сданы. К настоящему моменту наши офисы работают в 40 городах.


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