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Как празднуют новый год в Испании ** англ языке (коротко)

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Как празднуют новый год в Испании на англ языке (коротко)

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Как празднуют новый год в Испании на англ языке (коротко)

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

In comparison with Christmas, the New Year in Spain is a fairly young holiday, and therefore some ancient rituals and ceremonies are not associated with it. Usually Spaniards spend New Year's Eve in the street, at various festivities, in restaurants and bars. Young people prefer to gather in the house of one of the participants of the celebration. In Madrid, in the central square of the Puerta del Sol, a crowd of merry Spanish gathers traditionally. When the clock strikes 12 times, the inhabitants of Spain and the numerous tourists congratulate each other on the New Year.
In Spain, there is a New Year's custom: while the clock strikes one has to swallow twelve grapes - then the cherished desires will be fulfilled. It happens that the grape is washed down with wine. This ritual arose after one of the Spanish monarchs in the year of a rich harvest of grapes, ordered to distribute it in the new year to all the Spaniards. Spain is a country rich in vineyards, so there is nothing strange about the fact that there are a number of traditions associated with the vine. For example, whoever eats grapes on New Year's Eve - will be with money all year round. It is also believed that the grapes, eaten on this night, drive away the evil spirit.
The whole New Year period in Spain between December 25 (Christmas) and January 6 (the Day of the Three Kings of the Magi) is called "the sacred twelve-day".
On the eve of the New Year in Spain, going to visit someone, according to tradition, you need to put champagne and a piece of nougat in a gift basket.
In the Basque Country Santa Claus called Olentzero. He is dressed in national homespun clothes and always carries with him a flask of good Spanish wine.
In the Spanish village for the New Year girls and guys draw lots - pieces of paper with names of fellow villagers of both sexes. Guys, therefore, choose "brides", girls - "suitors". Here and there this ceremony is performed before the bonfires at the church porch. The newly married couples are declared as lovers to the very end, and so they behave themselves.
Another tradition in Spain for the New Year is to put on red underwear for the holiday: panties, garters, socks.
It is not surprising that the most popular New Year's drink in the country of winemakers is wine.
This holiday turns Spain into a grandiose fireworks - fireworks and firecrackers rumble in the square of each city, torches, festive garlands and many lights burn.



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