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В 8:40 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

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утверждение верное, и цифру 0 - если утверждение неверное. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1.Most people in Devonwork as farmers orfishermen.

2.Devon is famous for itsmodern buildings.

3.The south coast is popularbecause of the climate.

4.It’s easy to drive fromLondon to Devon.

5. Today, Lancashire produces a large amount of goods for sale abroad.

6. Visitors can travel on old planes and trains at the museum.

Devon is a large county in the south-west of England. Agriculture and fishing have always been important parts of the local economy, but these days tourism is the main source of income. Nearly five million people visit the area each year, many of them coming to enjoy Devon’s beaches and even to surf along its north coast. Apart from the beaches, Devon is also well known for its beautiful countryside and old, traditional cottages.

Many coastal towns in Britain have suffered as more and more people go abroad on holiday. However, on the south Devon coast, resort towns such as Brixham and Torquay are enjoying new life as the English Riviera, offering mild weather and sandy beaches. Another reason for its popularity is that it’s possible to get to Devon from London in a short time by car. Two motorways, the M4 and the M5, connect the capital to Devon and in just four or five hours Londoners can be enjoying a cream tea or a relaxing country walk.

Lancashire, in the north-west of England, is a county with a long history, first as an agricultural area and later as one of the most important areas during the Industrial Revolution. Here, from die start of the nineteenth century onwards, factories and mills produced cotton and other goods that were sold all around the world. Today, almost all the mills are silent, but Lancashire is still an interesting place to visit. Apart from the attractions of coastal towns such as Fleetwood and Blackpool, there are many interesting museums, including the Museum of Transport in Rimington. Open all year round, die museum has a wonderful collection of models of different means of transport, including trains, planes and ships. For visitors who prefer a more active holiday, there are also many beautiful areas to walk in, particularly in north Lancashire.

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Прочитайте утверждения 1-6 и следующие за ними тексты. Установите соответствие между утверждениями и содержанием текстов. Напишите цифру 1 - если
утверждение верное, и цифру 0 - если утверждение неверное. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1.Most people in Devonwork as farmers orfishermen.

2.Devon is famous for itsmodern buildings.

3.The south coast is popularbecause of the climate.

4.It’s easy to drive fromLondon to Devon.

5. Today, Lancashire produces a large amount of goods for sale abroad.

6. Visitors can travel on old planes and trains at the museum.

Devon is a large county in the south-west of England. Agriculture and fishing have always been important parts of the local economy, but these days tourism is the main source of income. Nearly five million people visit the area each year, many of them coming to enjoy Devon’s beaches and even to surf along its north coast. Apart from the beaches, Devon is also well known for its beautiful countryside and old, traditional cottages.

Many coastal towns in Britain have suffered as more and more people go abroad on holiday. However, on the south Devon coast, resort towns such as Brixham and Torquay are enjoying new life as the English Riviera, offering mild weather and sandy beaches. Another reason for its popularity is that it’s possible to get to Devon from London in a short time by car. Two motorways, the M4 and the M5, connect the capital to Devon and in just four or five hours Londoners can be enjoying a cream tea or a relaxing country walk.

Lancashire, in the north-west of England, is a county with a long history, first as an agricultural area and later as one of the most important areas during the Industrial Revolution. Here, from die start of the nineteenth century onwards, factories and mills produced cotton and other goods that were sold all around the world. Today, almost all the mills are silent, but Lancashire is still an interesting place to visit. Apart from the attractions of coastal towns such as Fleetwood and Blackpool, there are many interesting museums, including the Museum of Transport in Rimington. Open all year round, die museum has a wonderful collection of models of different means of transport, including trains, planes and ships. For visitors who prefer a more active holiday, there are also many beautiful areas to walk in, particularly in north Lancashire.

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

1. 0 - утверждение неверное

2. 0 - утверждение неверное

3. 1 - утверждение верное

4. 1 - утверждение верное

5. 0 - утверждение неверное

6. 0 - утверждение неверное



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