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Нужно составить пару ( буква-текст)1. With care (забота )for the environment 2. A...

В 13:41 поступил вопрос в раздел Английский язык, который вызвал затруднения у обучающегося.

Вопрос вызвавший трудности

Нужно составить пару ( буква-текст)
1. With care (забота )for the environment
2. A favourable location
3. Medicine from birds
4. Annual(ежегодный) events
5. Names to remember
6. Getting around the town
7. A historical building
8. A green town

A. Cheltenham started as a small market town that later became one of the most fashionable health resorts(курорт) in Britain. Once, in 1716 people noticed pigeons(голубь) eating crystals in a meadow(луг) outside the town. These were crystals of salt which helped King George III and the members of the royal family treat (лечить)their illnesses(болезнь). Since then, pigeons (голубь) have been a symbol of Cheltenham Spa.(подчеркни Pres Perf)
B. Cheltenham is a small, ancient (древний)town in England situated to the north-west of Oxford. It lies below(ниже) the highest point (точка)of the Cotswold Hills and above(над) the level of the River Severn. The town is also called «The Western Gateway». Thanks to its position it has become a popular tourist attraction. (подчеркни причастие и Passive V)
C. The Pittville Pump Room is the largest of the spa constructions in Cheltenham. It is a magnificent(восхитительный), old house of classical style made of white stone. The Pump Room was designed for balls and entertainments and, of course, for taking the medicinal waters. Today, it is still used as a concert hall at festival time and for weddings and of course, visitors can still take the waters – if they so wish! ( подчеркни причастие)
D. Tourism is highly developed in Cheltenham and the City Council has to reduce(уменьшать) the negative impact(воздействие) of tourists on the town. A lot has been done. The town has developed walking, cycling and public transport routes (маршрут)as an alternative to cars. There is a pool of bicycles that tourists can use for short distance journeys(путешествие). The local services try to recycle all the packaging, plastic bottles and batteries left by tourists. (подчеркни Passive V, pres perfect)
E. Many famous people of the past have connections with Cheltenham. Gustav Holst, a well-known English composer of the 19th century, was born in the town. His house is now his birthplace museum. Visitors may learn a lot about Holst's life, his music and his family. The famous Antarctic explorer Edward Wilson was also born in Cheltenham. Now a statue of him stands in the Long Gardens. (подчеркни модальный глагол)
F. The beauty and wonderful sights of Cheltenham continue to attract(привлекать) visitors from countries all over the world. For many years people have enjoyed the beauty of Cheltenham's parks, open spaces and the general (общий) greenery (зелень, растительность) of the town. Cheltenham has been described as ‘a town within a park’. Montpellier place, which is famous for its wonderful flowers, lies in the centre of the town. (подчеркни Pres Perfc)
G. Thousands of visitors come to Cheltenham to take part in the festivals which are held in the town every year. The town organises literature, music, jazz and science festivals, attracting names with a national and international reputation from each (каждый)field. Besides(кроме) all this, for a week in March the town becomes the centre of the National Gold Cup in horse racing. (подчеркни придаточное предлож. цели)

Ответ подготовленный экспертами Учись.Ru

Для того чтобы дать полноценный ответ, был привлечен специалист, который хорошо разбирается требуемой тематике "Английский язык". Ваш вопрос звучал следующим образом:

Нужно составить пару ( буква-текст)
1. With care (забота )for the environment
2. A favourable location
3. Medicine from birds
4. Annual(ежегодный) events
5. Names to remember
6. Getting around the town
7. A historical building
8. A green town

A. Cheltenham started as a small market town that later became one of the most fashionable health resorts(курорт) in Britain. Once, in 1716 people noticed pigeons(голубь) eating crystals in a meadow(луг) outside the town. These were crystals of salt which helped King George III and the members of the royal family treat (лечить)their illnesses(болезнь). Since then, pigeons (голубь) have been a symbol of Cheltenham Spa.(подчеркни Pres Perf)
B. Cheltenham is a small, ancient (древний)town in England situated to the north-west of Oxford. It lies below(ниже) the highest point (точка)of the Cotswold Hills and above(над) the level of the River Severn. The town is also called «The Western Gateway». Thanks to its position it has become a popular tourist attraction. (подчеркни причастие и Passive V)
C. The Pittville Pump Room is the largest of the spa constructions in Cheltenham. It is a magnificent(восхитительный), old house of classical style made of white stone. The Pump Room was designed for balls and entertainments and, of course, for taking the medicinal waters. Today, it is still used as a concert hall at festival time and for weddings and of course, visitors can still take the waters – if they so wish! ( подчеркни причастие)
D. Tourism is highly developed in Cheltenham and the City Council has to reduce(уменьшать) the negative impact(воздействие) of tourists on the town. A lot has been done. The town has developed walking, cycling and public transport routes (маршрут)as an alternative to cars. There is a pool of bicycles that tourists can use for short distance journeys(путешествие). The local services try to recycle all the packaging, plastic bottles and batteries left by tourists. (подчеркни Passive V, pres perfect)
E. Many famous people of the past have connections with Cheltenham. Gustav Holst, a well-known English composer of the 19th century, was born in the town. His house is now his birthplace museum. Visitors may learn a lot about Holst's life, his music and his family. The famous Antarctic explorer Edward Wilson was also born in Cheltenham. Now a statue of him stands in the Long Gardens. (подчеркни модальный глагол)
F. The beauty and wonderful sights of Cheltenham continue to attract(привлекать) visitors from countries all over the world. For many years people have enjoyed the beauty of Cheltenham's parks, open spaces and the general (общий) greenery (зелень, растительность) of the town. Cheltenham has been described as ‘a town within a park’. Montpellier place, which is famous for its wonderful flowers, lies in the centre of the town. (подчеркни Pres Perfc)
G. Thousands of visitors come to Cheltenham to take part in the festivals which are held in the town every year. The town organises literature, music, jazz and science festivals, attracting names with a national and international reputation from each (каждый)field. Besides(кроме) all this, for a week in March the town becomes the centre of the National Gold Cup in horse racing. (подчеркни придаточное предлож. цели)

После проведенного совещания с другими специалистами нашего сервиса, мы склонны полагать, что правильный ответ на заданный вами вопрос будет звучать следующим образом:

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. G
5. E
6. B
8. F



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